Does anybody have a food they can't stand?

I've never been able to tolerate eggs, partiularly egg white. And even the thought of fried eggs makes me feel sick!!!

As a child I felt pretty queasy about hot milk and cheese too, though I enjoy cheese now. My other used to fry a lot of things in lard, and I couldn't stand that either, and as mine were born in the 30's there wasn't much patience for any of this kind of finickiness.

Sometimes there are supermarkets that fry food here too. When that it is full swing, it can be very hard not to retch. 

  • I hate pretty much all condiments but mayonnaise is an abomination. And it's in EVERYTHING. I'm gluten-free and when I go anywhere with catering (rare, but it happens) I'm always really anxious that someone will have gone out of their way to get me a GF sandwich and then I still won't be able to eat it because it's clogged up with oily egg goo. I don't know why so many people think it's necessary, it's not like it's the only option to keep a sandwich together.

  • I have a customer who often asks if I want a meal deal when he is coming to see me, it’s obviously a kind thought. It’s when he asks what I’m okay with as a filling, it’s quite awkward. I normally stick to cheese, you are right with chicken, when it’s got mayonnaise, it just goes slimy, even worse when limp lettuce is mixed in with the mayonnaise.

  • I have a customer who often asks if I want a meal deal when he is coming to see me, it’s obviously a kind thought. It’s when he asks what I’m okay with as a filling, it’s quite awkward. I normally stick to cheese, you are right with chicken, when it’s got mayonnaise, it just goes slimy, even worse when limp lettuce is mixed in with the mayonnaise.

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