The Great Borage Showdown

....aka Battle Of The Borage 

There have been rumblings for the past week or so but I thought now would be as good a time as any to get the show started. Today I sowed between 16 and 20 seeds.

I thought it might be nice for any members who want to join in to sow borage seeds and chat about it. We all know bees and pollinators need a helping hand and this is a lovely plant we can have in our gardens to help. The flowers are pretty star shaped blue, sometimes pink or purple. You can eat the flowers or put in ice cubes and you can use the leaves to make borage fertiliser for the garden.

I thought it might be a nice way to unite online friends by doing something remote in real life.

It does self seed so I take no responsibility if you end up with more next year! The more the merrier. Apologies if you have no outdoor space. Maybe do a bit of guerilla gardening if you can Blush

This post was inspired by Jamie (who I cannot tag for some reason) and 

So lets help our wildlife!

"No-one can do everything but everyone can do something".

  • Haha it's been in a south facing position so getting lots of sun, i'm watering it with rainwater (mainly) from my water butts and it's in organic compost 

  • Omg has it been on the 'roids?!

    I need details.... Where has this been kept and what have you been doing to it? You've certainly put me to shame with that one! 

  • I like your herb book, they are really nice flowers...hoping to see some soon in my garden 

  • An update. This pot has 5 Borage soldiers in it but you wouldn't know because of the size of the one in the centre. The pot is about 35cm in diameter btw

  • I have been watching an old TV series called the invaders with a friend and I'll not lie, talking about any aspect of Covid from my perspective gives me cause to empathise much more closely with the main character than I wish was the case.. 

  • "...we think..." is not something I do with anyone ... "I think" is all I do.

    Accordingly, I think that the question, as posed, is too 'loaded' and posed with insufficient context.

    Moreover, as I have said before, and I will repeat here again.......Covid and vaccines .... are on my list of being too dangerous to enter into open conversation about.  Too loaded.......WAY too loaded.....can't end well.

    The world is mad.  I have accepted that.  I just try to keep my front path tidy and to my satisfaction.  Simpler.

  • So which would we think is more likely to kill us here in the UK, Random gunfire or the MRNA vaccinations?

  • Feel a bit awkward putting a "like" on that one

  • Final "fun" fact on the gun deaths in the USA.....a fact that deserves more attention = of the approximately 40,000 gun deaths every year in the states, more than 50% are suicides!

    I only mention this because you expressed interest.

    Going now.....

  • A few observations.

    1. That's higher than I'd have thought for the UK.... I'm moving to Japan. But THEN does that increase or decrease my chance because the stats are, after all "in your own country". 

    2. I think the green goddess of gladness would appreciate your death by firearm stats.

    3. Catnip for the brain only lasts as long as it's read.....for me anyway....then instantly dissolves.

    4. There's a spurious correlation between per capita cheese consumption (presumably in the US) and death by getting tangled in bedsheets.

    Enjoy your evening and stay safe!

  • Are you kidding?  You do know that we're autistic, right?  This is like catnip for me!

    Whilst I haven't got any Borage news light of my above comment, perhaps you and Jamie and Debbie would be interested to know my "distraction" fact-research today?

    The chances of being killed by a gun in your own country is as follows, based in my "first principle" approach to statistics......

    Japan = 1 in 21 million chance.

    UK = 1 in 400 thousand chance.

    USA = 1 in 10 thousand chance.

    Brazil = 1 in 4,400 chance.

    It's amazing where a tumbledrier brain will take you.  I'm increasingly aware of my disordered attention...and now  leave it to play for a while and burn off some energy.....rather than just screaming at it to "behave!"

    I think I'm becoming a better parent/companion for my own brain......and for that.....I am very glad.

    If only there was some way for me to show my appreciation to the goddess of gladness?  Thinking caps on.

    In restful, joyful and re-focusing jest, I might must leave you for the evening.

    Be well fellow Boragers.


  • While we play the borage waiting game (although Jamie might not be waiting as long as the rest of us) here is a print out of my herb book and another fun fact!

    Borage in Welsh translates as "herb of gladness"

    I hope I'm boring everyone already! 

  • I want an anti-doping enquiry!  I recommend that you name your super plant Ben Johnson or Lance Armstrong?

    "Miracle Grow" is the new testosterone.

  • You know it's bad when you wake up in the middle of the night and can't stop thinking about borage (this is then overlaid with constant repetitions of Oasis covering Slade - Come On Feel The Noise). 

    Happy Monday(s) fellow Boragers! 

  • He sounds like a beast!

  • How have you got it in flower so early!?

    It may not flower for a week or two but this particular solider is about 3 times the size of the others so i'm expecting it to soon (if the slugs don't get it ofc) 

  • How have you got it in flower so early!? Well done you! Borage seems to be the only thing slugs haven't gone for in my greenhouse this year.

  • What little beauties!! Austin - I mean Bert would be proud!!

    Fun fact - Borage in Arabic means "father of sweat" because of its diaphoretic (inducing perspiration) properties. 

    I hope the ones shipped off northwards behave themselves!

  • Impressive! My troops have been decimated by slugs so i've reluctantly put pellets down. I have one soldier that is close to flowering so i will upload a pic asap 

  • Hello Boragers.  This treat has been deathly quiet for too long.  It's time to burst forth with more joyous and exciting news.

    My little army of solid and sturdy little green bee feeders reached the point of deployment today.  Two pots have been dedicated for a few platoons, random planting in random places for others.....and a couple have been despatched about 100 miles north for a new life under the command of Allied forces.

    Long live the borage and the bees !