What was your last purchase?

The last thing I bought was Firestarter by Stephen King. I'm an avid reader and have been reading and collecting King's books for about five years, and so far none have disappointed so I'm looking forward to reading it. I bought it on eBay for £5 so very reasonable for a second hand copy.

Another thing I purchased recently was a Kiss LP (The Elder), which should hopefully be delivered sometime this week if Royal Mail don't lose it - they keep losing my orders!!!

  • A new freezer, just now. Mine has died and it's a total disaster.

  • Oh Pegg, I  know just how you feel, my fridge/freezer died just a few days before xmas.  Thankfully, after 24 hours of panic and rather a lot of ice-cream, a local business came up trumps and delivered one on Dec 23rd.  Phew!


  • Oh, I've had the panic and the ice cream! I rely on my freezer so much - aargh! 

    Fortunately it will not, apparently, take so long to acquire a new one as I had dreaded it would - in my mind it was going to be a week st least and cause untold woe - but in reality, it should arrive on Saturday. Slight smile

    I don't know how much I need to throw away, some, I expect- my research project for this evening! 

  • That sounds complicated, because I don't know much about freezers.

    As I am now getting a new one, perhaps I'll learn more. 

    Aren't freezers meant to be frosty? 

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