
I’ve been thinking about whether I want another partner or not and I’m not sure I do as I’ve not had much luck with girls before and then I had Luna, then she passed away.

I lost my Dog, Ruby 2 years ago and our relationship was beautiful and I’ve not met a nicer Dog since, I worry whether that will be the case with meeting another girl as my Nan says I might not like them as much as Luna but I would obviously have to like them enough to want a relationship with them and part of me wants another girlfriend but part of me doesn’t as I don’t think I will get over Luna until I meet someone else but then what I’ve been through with Luna has been hard enough and I don’t really want to get hurt again!

What do you think?

  • It's early, give yourself some time before jumping in to anything or you could put too much on yourself. Time heals. After my first cat died I waited five years to process before getting another. When you feel ready is when you should think about it.

  • It's such early days. Give yourself time and space to get used to your new world without Luna. Just be kind to yourself for a bit.

  • I'm sorry that you're going through this. I would suggest that you wait a while and process your feelings about Luna, as it must have been very upsetting for you and that will cloud your judgment around this area for a while. It's still very soon after she passed away and everything must feel very raw for you still.

    It is possible to love again. My Dad's first wife died when they were quite young. They hadn't been married long. A couple of years later, he married my Mum. He's quite private about his feelings and doesn't talk about his first wife, but he's been with my Mum for forty-two years now.

  • I think it’s important to take time after a loss to help yourself process it all. I also think it’s not ideal (although it’s probably also inevitable) that you compare the person you’re with to the one you used to be with. Try to think of it as an apples and oranges type situation if you do date again.

  • I thought Luna was the one but then I wasn’t entirely sure what she wanted, then she said she wanted to put things on hold until she gets better, then I ended it as it was too much for me to deal with and then we were going to get back together but then she passed! Frowning2

  • You’ll never know unless you start dating.  If you meet the right partner then you’ll never get hurt.