Dating sites

Does anyone know of any dating sites for people or people with Autism that you don’t have to pay for and don’t really have any fake profiles?

  • HIKI and Autistic Empathy.

    Bumble and Hinge are quite good though, as long as you are upfront or give big clues that you are on the spectrum, then you’ll match with people who are also ND or who don’t care about the problems you might have being autistic.

  • Maybe they're just busy, or shy, or haven't met someone they like yet.  

    Dating sites are honest because both people understand what the parameters of the relationship are.  You don't have to risk losing a friend by making an unwelcome proposal.

  • My poet friend found a new dating site and he is excited about it, he says 4 girls during first week wanted to meet him. But I wouldn't do it anyway. Autistic are too easy to manipulate.

    And paraphrasing what  NTs say to us often: If NTcan't find a partner in a regular way than what's wrong with them? what kind of repulsive personality they have?

  • Yes, it was.
    I joke a lot on here but never about that.

  • Yes i have.
    I was the victim of a Person called Victoria who appeared on channel 4 called 24 Hours in Police Custody.
    That happened in 2016.
    The 2 episodes are called " The black Widow ".

  • Avoid them at all costs unless you want to be the victim of a scam and have your mental health seriously

    I haven’t tried online dating, my elder brother (NT) does use dating apps. 
    it seems to work out quite well for him. I have recently been considering trying it for myself, I don’t want to be a victim of scammers and my mental health great at the best of times. So I definitely don’t want to make that any worse.

    Lee, have you had experiences that have led you to making the “avoid” statement? 
    somebody must have experiences, bad and good. Some proper feedback would be helpful.

  • There is Hiki. I’ve never gotten a single match there so I can’t recommend it. Also there are some charities that run dating services for autistic people. But the only one I’ve tried has stoped doing that now. 

  • Avoid them at all costs unless you want to be the victim of a scam and have your mental health seriously damaged.

  • Don't think there's a special one for disabilities, not for free that I know of... You're better of using something like Match and setting the search criteria for people with autism and other related stuff, if that's possible don't know as I don't use it.

  • Logically my brain says no, because if you don't have to pay then there's no way to make money.  It would mean someone having to set it up in their free time, and stuff like that is a lot to manage. 

    Also there's no real way to test for fake profiles short of interviewing every candidate in person, and that would not be do autism friendly and again you won't find many volunteers to do that for free.

  • I had a look once when I was considering dating but couldn't find any that looked any good.

    I wish there were more autism friendly things, like a dating site, out there. I hope you find what you're looking for x

  • Have you searched online, Jacob? I'm not seeking a relationship, so I've never bothered to look.