Things that don't seem right

I ordered lemon shower gel recently on my online shopping and it was substituted with Mango. When I started using it the smell made me think of eating/ drinking. I am used to lemon perfume in cleaning products but this didn't make me think of a cleansing product. Are there things other people think are not quite right?

  • IDK tbh the smell of everything makes me sick

  • One smell that turns my stomach is apple flavoured washing up liquid. Why would anyone want that? The annoying thing is, while I normally buy Fairy Liquid I was in M&S the other day with a voucher and bought their own brand one. Wary of potential apple flavour I checked the label. Just ‘original’ or at least no overt flavour stated. Ok, that’s safe then. Imagine my disgust then when I use it for the first time and it has the applest smell ever. Reeks of it. And it’s a big bottle that will take ages to get through. Yuck. 

  • Popcorn is the smell that "turns" me.  It smells of public urinals to me and my sense of smell for the scent is extremely acute - unfortunately !  Several hours after someone has consumed it in the room, I know it has been eaten there.

  • Do you also think the smell is incredibly close to that of a male public lav?

    Do you have any other smells that "upset" you (apart from all the "normal" ones - I mean, who likes the smell of vomit or dogs "doings" (as my grandparents used to call it) ?

  • The smell of popcorn makes me feel nauseous as well!

Reply Children
  • Do you also think the smell is incredibly close to that of a male public lav?

    Do you have any other smells that "upset" you (apart from all the "normal" ones - I mean, who likes the smell of vomit or dogs "doings" (as my grandparents used to call it) ?