New Years Eve

What are you doing tonight? Do you stay up until midnight?

I used to stay up until the early hours after midnight but haven't for a few years. I'll probably watch some films and go to bed, probably about 10 maybe a little after.

Downside to tonight is that people do fireworks and they last all night. I'm not sure about everyone else but fireworks are way too noisy for my liking, there should be a law against it after 9pm lol.

I'm looking forward to 2023 - I'm hoping it will be a good year and some positive things will happen, hopefully for all of us :) 

Parents Reply
  • I dont think your annoying at all. When I was a newbie I posted all the time , it was just from the relief and excitement of finally finding somewhere I belonged with people like me. Your not bothering people, your really nice to talk to on here and you come up with some interesting ideas 
