Autistic and Christian

Is there anybody out there who feels they so much want to fit in with everyone else but struggles to at church.  Does your church open and understand your autism.  What can we do to change struggles we have in a busy church environment?  Autism christian bible study groups etc?  I am thinking at random.  What are your thoughts and what are your struggles? 

  • For me the hardest part was always when they tea abd coffee afterwards and I was always the one left out.  This has happened in several different churches.  

    There's also the issue of institutional ableism.  A lot of theology is based on the idea that humans are broken and God will fix them, but it also says that desease and siffering are a result of the Fall, and most Christians I know would include any kind of disability in this.  Churches often see disabled people as something for God to fix.  And then if they pray and you don't become miraculously healed then it's because you don't have enough faith, or the right kind of faith.  

    Honestly, if people believe prayer really works, why don't they spend more time praying for things that really matter like equal rights or fixing the state of the NHS.

  • This is why I drifted to the pagan side of unitarianism.
    I also don't attend congregations/meets.
    I know what you mean. Although that born into sin and needing to be fixed is also applied to NT and able bodied people, it is definitely magnified when it comes to any of us who are the "other." And it never sat right with me that a loving omnipotent God would require anyone to change or "be fixed" to be worthy of love.
    Also people praying for the "hand of God" to help is kinda silly*... I don't think people realise there are many hands of God, because the hand of God is you, it's me, and the man on the street. It's in the acts of everyday kindness we do for people. Everytime you put spare change in the guide dog collection box, etc.
    *There's nothing wrong with prayer as a wish when the power to do is out of our own hands, but just wishing for something when you can actually put energy into enacting it instead is a waste of time imo.
    Frankie Laine's "I Believe" is as much about human kindness as it is a metaphysical deity, we can all be that "someone" somewhere ready to help eachother. : )

    p.s. I love your profile pic, "Fuschia is a dancer, dancing on her toes" I remember it from the book.

  • Sorry for going all puffer fish on this.   I have a lot of trauma and having those wounds poked at was hurtful.  It's very difficult to find the balance between standing up for myself and being rude, but I've spent way too much of my life cowering and taking things to avoid conflict and I can't do that anymore.  

    I had the flower fairy books as a child, and this one stuck with me so much that I now dye my hair pink and purple just like a fuschia. 

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