Friend Requests that arouse suspicion - Is it just me?

Several days ago, I found myself on the receiving end of a Friend Request from a new member, which immediately caused me to feel unnerved and suspicious.

I question if it's a generational thing, or if it's just me. At the time that I received this request, there had been no prior interaction on the forum between myself and this member. Furthermore, their member profile was completely blank. Therefore, I had no way of knowing if this person was on a similar wavelength to me, or if we had anything remotely in common.

  • I have no problems with friend requests on this site, after all it's not real life, it is the internet.

    Just be cautious.


    • Give out your true name.
    • Actual postal address
    • Lend or give money
  • this site, after all it's not real life, it is the internet.

    Say what now?   Is that how you have survived and thrived within these pages for so long now?  Treat it like an alternate reality?  That would make it very unappealing to me - I like the fact there are so many real humans banging around here attached to the end of each little white text outburst.  Friendly and real ?

  • this site, after all it's not real life, it is the internet.

    Say what now?   Is that how you have survived and thrived within these pages for so long now?  Treat it like an alternate reality?  That would make it very unappealing to me - I like the fact there are so many real humans banging around here attached to the end of each little white text outburst.  Friendly and real ?

  • No hostility intended.  No judgement intended.  I'm sorry if that is what my words conveyed to you.

    I'm just generally interested in your perspective....and moreover...I whole heartedly agreed with you that it is "Not to be trusted."

    Peace out.

  • you sound a hundred times less autistic than me.

    I thought the autistic community was pushing for 'severity levels of autism' to be done away with, and every autistic to be considered individually? I, at least, believe this to be a good idea.

  • Why the hostility? And judgement? I wouldn't want to be your friend, you sound a hundred times less autistic than me.

    Let me be clear, 

    The entire internet and all social media sites are an alternative reality.  Not to be trusted.