Friend Requests that arouse suspicion - Is it just me?

Several days ago, I found myself on the receiving end of a Friend Request from a new member, which immediately caused me to feel unnerved and suspicious.

I question if it's a generational thing, or if it's just me. At the time that I received this request, there had been no prior interaction on the forum between myself and this member. Furthermore, their member profile was completely blank. Therefore, I had no way of knowing if this person was on a similar wavelength to me, or if we had anything remotely in common.

  • It's an interesting thing with Friend requests. I've understandably had very few, and would never presume to initiate one (self esteem issues!). The few I've had (for which I am grateful) seem to operate in dormant mode - honorary rather than functional. That's OK, just the prevailing etiquette I suppose! It's just kind of someone to make the gesture, and that's enough.

    The one exception was a lovely person who was on here for a while, sent me a friend request, would initiate actual conversations, and a nice friendship with intermittent contact was tentatively developing. We talked about/shared music, favourite tv, and a little about life in general. Then they changed their name overnight. I sent them a message to say that if they were indicating they no longer wanted to talk privately, I understood but hopefully they'd still be around on the forum as they were a really nice person whose posts were always really positive and encouraging to anyone on here. They then suddenly removed all their friends, and a day later disappeared off the forum altogether. It left me feeling pretty low as it was the latest instance of making me realise yet again what a 'small doses' person I am. To the extent that even ND people will sooner of later flee from my overly-wordy way of talking. Of course, it may have not been me (or just me) at all. Other stuff may have been going on in their life, or they may have been someone who really burns through their special interests (this place as 'the answer' so to speak), 100% into it and then suddenly not.

    Goodbyes and disappearances are always hard, probably best to assume any interaction with anyone could be one's last and never get complecent.

    Anyway, I can understand your caution Sparkly, especially in light of some stuff you went through a while back. Trust must always be earned, and if something feels too out of the blue, or pushy, I'd say you're wise to tread carefully. 

  • It's an interesting thing with Friend requests. I've understandably had very few, and would never presume to initiate one (self esteem issues!). The few I've had (for which I am grateful) seem to operate in dormant mode - honorary rather than functional. That's OK, just the prevailing etiquette I suppose! It's just kind of someone to make the gesture, and that's enough.

    The one exception was a lovely person who was on here for a while, sent me a friend request, would initiate actual conversations, and a nice friendship with intermittent contact was tentatively developing. We talked about/shared music, favourite tv, and a little about life in general. Then they changed their name overnight. I sent them a message to say that if they were indicating they no longer wanted to talk privately, I understood but hopefully they'd still be around on the forum as they were a really nice person whose posts were always really positive and encouraging to anyone on here. They then suddenly removed all their friends, and a day later disappeared off the forum altogether. It left me feeling pretty low as it was the latest instance of making me realise yet again what a 'small doses' person I am. To the extent that even ND people will sooner of later flee from my overly-wordy way of talking. Of course, it may have not been me (or just me) at all. Other stuff may have been going on in their life, or they may have been someone who really burns through their special interests (this place as 'the answer' so to speak), 100% into it and then suddenly not.

    Goodbyes and disappearances are always hard, probably best to assume any interaction with anyone could be one's last and never get complecent.

    Anyway, I can understand your caution Sparkly, especially in light of some stuff you went through a while back. Trust must always be earned, and if something feels too out of the blue, or pushy, I'd say you're wise to tread carefully. 

  • You say you have 'understandably' received few Friend Requests Shardovan. From my perspective, I think you're being too hard on yourself. Whilst YOU may think it's understandable, I don't, and I feel sure that I am not alone in thinking that.

    In addition to feeling low, I imagine that you must have felt confused when the friend you had built up a good rapport with, suddenly disappeared from the forum completely. However, as they had removed ALL their friends beforehand, and not just you, I would be inclined not to dwell on it too much and take it to heart. Yes, I know this can be easier said than done.

  • Hello Shardovan, I know I haven't been very active on here, but certain members have made me want to bare my fangs again, but in my response to you I will keep my muzzle on, but I will get to the point, I feel you are giving too much benefit of the doubt.

    This person has been repeatedly derailing topics by asking for "help" and ignoring all advice given, because they "can't", topics that someone else had put due to personal struggles that they, whoever is affected, did need advice on and has been posting endless nappy links to derail posts.

    My patience has worn extremely thin Shardovan, I will be blunt, I think either you are wasting the empathy that you clearly possess on someone who does not value it or that this person is a troll, I see no other alternatives. 

    They "struggle a great deal" with almost no specific, concise information ever, other than nappies and children at ages that don't add up, endlessly asking for friends and endlessly asking for help but denying all advice, heck one of their posts "triggered" me because it said my "child pulls his pants up and down and his penis" in my mind I am not sure what this means, Is the child, below puberty according to what I have read, to learn how to cope with my own nonsense I will add, simulating masturbation, which is not natural for a young boy before round about twelve when puberty kicks in.

    Note: I am not calling you out Shardovan, when a certain behaviour P's me off some of what I can say may sound accusatory towards you, that is not my intention, I've read enough to know you're a "sweetheart", Unfortunately sometimes people like me have to enter the fray, I am trying to say my anger is not directed at you at all Shardovan, this whole comment is just another way of me coming to grips with my mind.

    To NAS82959, you've posted the above repeatedly, many people have given you advice and you have responded with I "can't", well here is what you can do, you can stop derailing other people who are struggling with their own issues looking for advice, they can't physically help you, all they can give is advice, you're on your own otherwise, accept it and deal with it, if what you have put is genuine or your other option is to die, that is of course if you've actually reached that level of desperation.

    If you have I do feel for you, but it does not excuse the nonsense you've "repeatedly" derailed other people's topics with your goddamn links.

    My personal opinion is that you are a troll, pretending to have issues to garner support, if that is the case, you will gain absolutely no sympathy from me, you are trash, I bare my fang's if that is what you are, if that is not the case, I will give whatever advice I am able to, but this comment spamming had to stop, a lot of the other's, I'm sure really don't need it.

    Use. Your. Words.

    Do NOT be vague all the time.

  • Actually, two other people local to me are in intermittent contact too, at least for now and as long as I ration my waffle no doubt. But that's much more recent. Nevertheless, I made it sound like nobody's ever kept a conversation going and that's not entirely accurate. 

  • Hello can you help me please