Feeling lonely

Since I was diagnosed with Autism, I've been feeling lost, lonely, scared and unsure of things. Is this normal? Or am I just weird?  I've had a traumatic past so I also have PTSD, anxiety , depression and sleep + appetite problems. I'm on medication for my anxiety and depression.

I can concentrate on things but I just don't feel how I did before my diagnosis. I hope once I know where I am on the spectrum things will settle down and I can move on in a way I am comfortable with.

  • I understand how you feel and I feel the same way too. For me these feelings just come and go but when they do come, I feel terrible.

     I have high-functioning autism and ADHD and find myself torn between being fixated  and not focusing.

    You’re not alone in this.

  • high-functioning autism

    do you know that when you say 'I have autism' it sounds like you think it is something attached to you, like for example some illness, and that it can be detached, while in fact you are autistic for life. The same way you do not say 'person with blackness' but 'black person', or 'person with womenness' but 'women'

    are you aware that every autistic can have high needs and low needs? Depending on circumstances and that it can change during lifetime, it probably means you haven't found yourself at the low end yet, I mean high needs, well I did, it's horrible, and if you say 'I have high functioning autism' you telling those of us who are stuck at high needs end for life, that you thinking you're better then they are, please be considerate

    I found a video, where guy who understands what it means to be autistic better then I do talks about it

    second half of this video www.youtube.com/watch

    I'm not going to say sorry, though it was a bit of a rant, but we should take upon advocacy each and everyone one of us, so called 'own the label'

  • I wasn't aware of that. I will try to be more mindful about it though.

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