Coping with hot weather

Does anyone else struggle with hot weather?

I find warm and hot weather really difficult to cope with and when it is like this I feel as though I can't do anything but try to survive until it cools down again. I am shut in the house with all the curtains drawn and windows closed. I open the windows for a while first thing in the morning to try and get the temperature inside to drop as much as possible, but as soon as the exterior temperature exceeds the interior temperature then I rush round and make sure all the windows are closed. In the winter I keep the thermostat at between 13 and 13.5 degrees C, and can't stand it warmer than that. Anything over 16 degrees C inside the house is a crisis for me. Right now it is 18.5 degrees inside and I can not function. I don't understand why other people seem to like it so much. 

I also struggle with sunlight, it is too bright and intense and I cannot stand the feeling of it on my skin. I am also scared of getting skin cancer. I do everything I can to avoid going out in it. I prefer cold, dark, grey, cloudy, misty days. Foggy weather is my favorite, when sounds are muffled and everything is grey and cool.

Am I alone or does anyone else feel like this? It is very isolating and restricting.

  • I am the same, jumpers when others are wearing t-shirts in the cooler weather. Glad I'm not the only one not finding either extreme easy, but at least we can add layers.

  • The weird thing is that I'm a cold-blooded person normally (the only one still wearing a coat in the office when everyone else is throwing windows open and fanning themselves) but once things get above about 17% out there, and the heat makes it indoors too, I start to wilt fast!

  • Hiya,

    i hate it too. it's just so uncomfortable and there is nothing you can do to cool down. I also sweat a lot so the heat is not great and it means i avoid going out.

    so you are not alone at all

    Alisha xx

  • I've always hated warm weather too - can't imagine living in any warmer climate than this one, and any sustained hot waether makes me extra exhausted and irritable. I don't mind small amounts of sunshine, but I'm always relieved to see the approach of Autumn and the darker nights coming in. 

    People do profess to love it don't they? But they also have short memories about how any sustained heatwave becomes a hateful business for everyone. And yet it's almost a taboo thing to admit you prefer cold and even rainy weather. I'm out and proud about that!

  • I struggle with hot weather too. My normal skin temperature appears to be cooler than some.

    I find putting cold water on face and arms helps. Also it seems having bowls of cold or icy cold water nearby makes the air a bit cooler.

    I have checked to see when it is likely to go below 25 and hope the very hot weather doesn't linger for long.

    My preferred holiday destination is somewhere cool enough to enjoy walks without getting overheated. I definitely don't get sitting on a hot beach or anywhere in direct sun. A walk in this weather needs to be early in the day under trees.