Gardening for Anxiety

Hi All,

I just wondered if anybody else does gardening to help with their anxiety

If so which bits do you like doing best 


  • I like planting seeds and deciding where they will grow. By the time the compost has been sieved before planting a lot of time has passed. The most relaxing times are probably when it is sunny but not too warm and I am pottering and the birds are singing.

  • I like planting seeds and deciding where they will grow. By the time the compost has been sieved before planting a lot of time has passed. The most relaxing times are probably when it is sunny but not too warm and I am pottering and the birds are singing.

  • According to American researchers, more than 80% of gardeners consider themselves happy. Moreover, the more time a person spends digging in the ground, the happier he feels. Physical activity contributes to the production of endorphins — hormones of happiness. In addition, physical work in the garden is accompanied by sounds that also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system: the singing of birds and the rustling of leaves. I have been gardening for 10 years; for example, I recently bought a new zeon zoysia grass. The neighbors say that I have the most beautiful lawn.

  • it's nice when you have done the jobs down the garden and then have a cup of tea outside listening to the birds and the sun is out.