

Hey there I'm hoping somebody can help me out with my question.
Somebody clean for has asked me to be their carer because they are familiar with me.and it saves strangers coming in and out.
I am familiar to care although I've been out the loop for a couple of years.
My question is can you you care for people on a private basis in their own home when you are unvaccinated?
He said he's happy with it but I've asked him to check with his family while I check the legalities of it.
Anyhow I would like to help the family but only if I'm legally obliged to do so.
I really appreciate any help on this.

  • This thought is kind of related to your thread but l analyse everything minutely and found it odd / troubling that a experimental ‘vaccine’ was and has been given to a vast percentage of our population ? I may however be over analysing things relating to this very troubling pandemic period that we have all unfortunately had to go through over the last two years.

  • That is a very unpopular way to think Don.

    I also wondered after being told for 50 or so years that you can't vaccinate against a corona virus because it mutates too fast, just how I should believe that they had managed to perform that miracle in a few months.

  • That is a very unpopular way to think Don.

    I also wondered after being told for 50 or so years that you can't vaccinate against a corona virus because it mutates too fast, just how I should believe that they had managed to perform that miracle in a few months.

  • That’s sad to hear Kate, I hope you find ways to recover from this (as we have all been impacted in many different ways by this pandemic). I’m fairly tough skinned but overanalysing this situation had a numbered of negative effects on me also. If anything my spirituality has been the healing factor for me during and after the lockdowns. 

  • I’ve also done loads of research on this subject and ended up really stressed and unhappy as a result. It’s horrendous the more you look into it. I’ve just ended up feeling really scared about the whole subject. It’s really badly impacted on my mental health.

  • Thanks for your wisdom and advise. I did a deep dive into all this and my autistic leanings only got me diving ever deeper ! ... when l get passionate about a subject l research the hell out of it. As you said what you uncover can be very unsettling and not all of us are prepared for the truth or to have our eyes fully opened. I burned out on this whole pandemic subject (it’s been scary for everyone). Perhaps my research was a coping mechanism and you are correct in advising caution when looking into sensitive issues as it can end up breaking your will and    skewing our normally healthy balanced opinions. 

  • That's all well as far as it goes.

    I just wanted the right to choose not to be a "beta tester"... 

    By Christmas, they were actually starting to talk about segregating the selfish and dangerous unvaccinated people form the rest of society, indeed in Australia they even got as far as dragging people off to camps for refusing to take the shot.

    WORSE, The people leading the charge seemed to have changed their minds and public satements constantly.

    There are some rather amusing (or frightening, depending on your taste) videos out there where people have sampled Dr Fauchi's and other government/media statements directing us how to view covid-19 and you can clearly see them do 180 degree changes in policy and stated "facts", this did not help me really feel comfortable outsourcing my thinking to them. So I really sent a LOT of time looking into what was going on, and cross referencing known/indisputable facts with the new mainstream or conspiracy theories. 

    I came to trust the people behind the great Barrington declaration more than my government, the FLCCC more than Dr Fauchi, and I am sorry to say, I have found many internet strangers more amenable to reasonable conversations about important issues than my family and friends! 

    And that last bit to me is far more scary then the virus itself. The virus only can kill me, (If I am really unlucky, according to the numbers) the propaganda techniques used to press the authoritarian side of an issue can divide families and ruin friendships on a vast scale.

    FWIW I am still running down the more lurid stories about what is actually in those shots most people took, and thankfully seeing some evidence that the more scary ones are unfounded. When the cancer clusters from fukushima start to get numerous enough to be visible though, (10 to fifteen year incubation period for particle induced radio-cancers) I bet some fool in some media will instantly attribute them to the vaccine..

    I get depressed some days at what I find when I look under the rug, it is such a dirty job, but someone has to do it, and the guys we pay to give us the straight and accurate information about current events are doing a lousy job of giving us all the useful information, you will find.. 

    PRO TIP. IF anyone is stupid enough to go look into "conspiracy theory" or "Critical Thinking" be advised it's somewhat like "athletic sport" for the mind. If you rush in, you can sustain a psychological injury. I am serious, seen it happen to some people, very publically and embarrassingly just as if I start trying to excercise a lot I'll strain something, unless the neophyte paces themself and eases into that sort of thing.

    You need to do it in short bursts with long pauses for reflection, and as soon as you feel yourself feeling strong partisan feelings, stop immediately, and do something else for however many weeks it can take before you regain mental equilibrium. SOME of what we have been taught as kids and as adults is somewhat illusory, and that knowledge is like strong medicine, too much will hurt rather than heal you. 

  • You have said what I have been unable to articulate about all this pandemic situation in a number of wonderfully concise and well summarised  paragraphs ... thankyou.

    I was fortunate to learn critical thinking at Uni many years ago (probably my greatest life skill). I’m glad l am not the only one with this outlook as at one point l thought l was going bonkers! 

    Sorry to have taken the original forum post on a tangent and thanks to all for your very informed replies Pray tone1

  • Three posts in and no-one has stepped up to shut this down yet!

    Yes, I am very annoyed about how most people have treated me when I've asked the obvious questions and tried to discuss the actual SCIENCE, as opposed to what some talking head was babbling about on the idiot box, in the papers and across the internet. 

    Old friends, who have had plenty of experience of me displaying cognitive prowess, suddenly stated calling me names. ("Moron" was perhaps the most inappropriate, although "selfish" was pretty far from the mark too IMHO. THEY started looking up conspiracy theories (many of which were completely wide of the truth, as happens when a broad range of people with different brains start trying to think their way out of an evil situation and saying this was where I was getting fake news from that was "warping my mind".

    Of course I had skimmed over most of what they were suddenly discovering when I was looking for answers and the truth of the matter when I asked myself that particular question, but the whole point about critical thinking is that you have trained yourself (or received training as a child if you are lucky)  not to take on every new idea without questioning it, (such as "we can now magically protect you against corona viruses, when we could not previously via this new technology that we will call a "vaccine" even though it works completely differently (and it turns out very poorly) compared to what you previously knew as a vaccine. 

    Now fools on the internet "having a go", is par for the course, but when your FAMILY and FRIENDS turn against you over an issue unexpectedly, then you have to shut up, take stock, and figure out what has gone wrong and try to deal with it. 

    But as I've been told by sundry people in my life including an NHS psychologist and a street magician (probably for the usual reason, casually explaining how their trickery is done, not because I had an pre-existing opinion, but because I'm actually analysing and processing their information using my previous knowledge in real time, and it's throwing up awkward questions)

    Now, I don't do this deliberately to annoy, but I just cannot ignore the anomalies that illuminate the lies as easily as most can, just to have an "easy life". 

  • So most of the vaccines are based on the spike protein, which the Covid virus needs to get into human cells. Because it needs that spike protein to get into the cells, the spike protein cannot change too much . You could imagine that the spike protein is like a key- it cannot change too much otherwise it would no longer fit into the lock and the virus could not longer infect human cells. Most vaccines are based on this spike protein. 

    A lot of the ideas behind the vaccines were already being developed prior to Covid-19 (for example RNA vaccines were in preclinical trials as anti-cancer vaccines) so it is not like scientists just came up with all the concepts from scratch in a few months. 

    This is my understanding but I am by no means an expert on Covid-19 or viruses in general and I also have not followed the scientific literature in detail (though I am a scientist myself). 

  • Finally, some like minded logical thinkers! 

  • Exactly what I was questioning Thinking