Video games

Hi! My name is Jamie; I’m from the US. I have a Nintendo switch lite. I usually don’t play much video games. I’ve owned handheld consoles mostly Nintendo and I can’t seem to get back into playing again. Here are my questions 

1. Do you like to play video games? If so what console do you have and fave game 

2. how do I get back into playing video games again?

3. Does it help you unwind? 

4. what are your favorite games? 

5. can someone teach me how to play Fortnite? 

  • to get back into games, id suggest watching YouTube etc vids of people playing the ones you have, and see if that builds up any motivation, ive had to do so numerous times.

    i dont have a console, im more into pc gaming, complex personal story, but dont have pc anymore, had to buy a cheap used crap laptop recently.

    im unsure if they help me unwind, but the right game, if i get overly immersed, shuts out all the crap lol.

    and fave game? hmmm, star wars empire at war with thrawns revenge mod at the mo, but about all laptop can run haha

  • to get back into games, id suggest watching YouTube etc vids of people playing the ones you have, and see if that builds up any motivation, ive had to do so numerous times.

    i dont have a console, im more into pc gaming, complex personal story, but dont have pc anymore, had to buy a cheap used crap laptop recently.

    im unsure if they help me unwind, but the right game, if i get overly immersed, shuts out all the crap lol.

    and fave game? hmmm, star wars empire at war with thrawns revenge mod at the mo, but about all laptop can run haha

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