Video games

Hi! My name is Jamie; I’m from the US. I have a Nintendo switch lite. I usually don’t play much video games. I’ve owned handheld consoles mostly Nintendo and I can’t seem to get back into playing again. Here are my questions 

1. Do you like to play video games? If so what console do you have and fave game 

2. how do I get back into playing video games again?

3. Does it help you unwind? 

4. what are your favorite games? 

5. can someone teach me how to play Fortnite? 

  • 1.  PC.  i7 6700, RTX 2080 Ti, 16GB DDR4, and more.
    2.  Just do it, no need to overthink it.  Just play something.  If you have nothing, buy a console, as PC gamign is too expensive if ou want to play current games.
    3.  Yes and no.  I rage so much while gaming.  But some of the time it's like the most addictive drug going and grants me bliss and contentment.
    4.  Skyrim, FO4, Dying Light, anything from Assassins Creed, Counter Strike.
    5.  Youtube.  I don't play it, it's a game for younger people, like millenials.  Look at some of the videos by twitch streamers like pokemane.  But the only way to learn to play a new game is to play it. ;)

  • 1.  PC.  i7 6700, RTX 2080 Ti, 16GB DDR4, and more.
    2.  Just do it, no need to overthink it.  Just play something.  If you have nothing, buy a console, as PC gamign is too expensive if ou want to play current games.
    3.  Yes and no.  I rage so much while gaming.  But some of the time it's like the most addictive drug going and grants me bliss and contentment.
    4.  Skyrim, FO4, Dying Light, anything from Assassins Creed, Counter Strike.
    5.  Youtube.  I don't play it, it's a game for younger people, like millenials.  Look at some of the videos by twitch streamers like pokemane.  But the only way to learn to play a new game is to play it. ;)

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