
Who drives? :) I passed my test when I was 21, by a miracle I think as I'm a shockingly bad driver lol but somehow I did pass. I find driving incredibly stressful and I haven't driven since I was 23 and not sure if I'll drive again tbh. My car just sits there year after year I should sell it really but it's one of those things where because it's mine I don't really want to get rid. And I might drive again one day who knows :) 

  • I took my test three times, and finally passed in my late 20's. I get incredibly stressed during examination conditions. I had a nasty crash which wrote off my learner car 2 days before my final test and was injured. I think they could see I was a good driver and felt a bit sorry for me turning up 2 days after to continue with the test, still injured. I got a jo a week later which I commuted to by car, at night! Scary stuff but I was very proud of myself at the time. I'm struggling with PTSD at the moment so I've not been able to drive for a while - my old car died a death on parts that were no longer being manufactured, so replaced it with another second hand one but it's too big and boxy for me and I can barely reach the pedals. I don't feel safe driving it unless it's an emergency and I have to. In a few months time we should be looking into getting me driving again, as we're relocating and I need to get around on my own.

  • I'm sorry about your ptsd it can't be easy for you. I don't suffer from that just anxiety which makes it feel impossible to drive at the moment. I suggest you go at your own comfortable pace and drive again when you feel ready to. Don't rush or force yourself into it :) my car sounds like yours. It's a wee bit older gift from my mum but it may need changing by now. I'm reluctant to change though because it was a gift but also because I hate getting rid of things. I like to keep everything.

  • Ooh I'm the opposite. I loved my car, it was a zippy little thing even though it had a tiny engine (Daihatsu Charade 2003, blue, 0.9l engine) but it kept breaking down and developing faults which were costly. My decision to get rid of it was make like a light switch. I actually love throwing things away. I find it satisfying, as if it's somehow refreshing and restorative. A few weeks back I got fed up of my wedding dress taking up space in my tiny flat, so I took it to a Sue Ryder charity shop with the veil, tiara, shoes, jewellery, the lot - and gave it away. Haven't looked back.

  • Ooh I'm the opposite. I loved my car, it was a zippy little thing even though it had a tiny engine (Daihatsu Charade 2003, blue, 0.9l engine) but it kept breaking down and developing faults which were costly. My decision to get rid of it was make like a light switch. I actually love throwing things away. I find it satisfying, as if it's somehow refreshing and restorative. A few weeks back I got fed up of my wedding dress taking up space in my tiny flat, so I took it to a Sue Ryder charity shop with the veil, tiara, shoes, jewellery, the lot - and gave it away. Haven't looked back.

  • We pretty much did elope (actually a very small wedding with a small number of guests).  

  • Beautiful gown! The drape on the fabric looks really luxurious.

    I hated my wedding also...

    my mother interfered and made it all about her, crying for attention, etc. it was humiliating and the day turned out nothing like we wanted. I ended up with a stress migraine and went to bed as soon as I could get away with it. Took us years to pay off all the debts from the day - debt we'd have never been in had we eloped, and that's all we wanted to do. (she forbade it, simply to play "weddings") I was only 25 and a people-pleaser and couldn't quite see then, just how toxic and controlling she was. Controlling the venue, the food, the guests, everything. Only the outfit I wore was my choice.

    Haven't seen or spoken to her for two years now, and counting. But having said all that, I have some fantastic honeymoon pictures that I can't wait to finally get framed and put on the walls after 10 years of being in a box. I found them a few months back together with some other holiday snaps I'd totally forgotten about. A fun project for after we've completed on the house. Waiting for an update from the solicitor any day now!! Clap

  • Oh wow that's so interesting. See I could never bring myself to do anything like that. It would kill me! Lol I keep everything, my car which is some Volvo not sure what model though. It's a late 90s car I think. I hated my wedding absolutely hated it but I've still got my dress hanging in my wardrobe, never been able to get rid of it. When I have something I get so attached to it I can't ever let it go. This is my dress, cropped myself out so I don't break the rules :) Really pretty dress. Yours sounded lovely. I didn't wear a tiara or jewellery with mine.