
What's your hobbies

These are mine

  • Writing
  • Painting
  • Singing
  • Pottery making
  • Astronomy
  • Vinyl record collecting
  • Toy collecting

I lost interest in most but I still do pottery and record collecting. That's all I can think of for now

Parents Reply
  • Writing and journaling sounds good what do you journal about

    I like walking but can't at the moment

    Music is good but I have to have it quiet or it becomes overwhelming

    What do you like to read I like the harry potter books and lemony snicket series

  • I journey every day about what has gone on but in times of stress I write loads to try and clear my head.  It seems to work to some degree I am sometimes hampered by the fact that I don't always know what is causing my anxiety!

  • Try empty my brain on paper

    That's exactly what I do. It's not often, as sometimes almost a year goes by between entries but it's exactly as you say - a brain-dump of all the built up emotion and stress. I re-read some of my old entries and they're almost always casting out negativity and periods of positivity and happiness are almost never in there - I'm too busy enjoying myself to journal Slight smile

  • I just write everything that is in my head. Try empty my brain on paper :) it's really therapeutic and helps me make sense of things. 

    Sorry you can't get out to walk. It's my favourite thing to do but sometimes I put youtube landscape videos on the TV.. I find that very relaxing as I love mountains. So peaceful. 

    Read mainly non fiction. I read a lot of biographies.. Fascinated by people's lives! I also read self help books :) 

    I have never read Harry Potter, or seen the films!