Horse riding

Hello, my daughter has adhd and autism she is high functioning as they used to call it. She absolutely adores horses and knows so much about them. I am going to try and book her some lessons. I am a little worried if they will let her because of her autism but I have been reading it can be very good for children who struggle socially.

Anyone here children ride or ride them selves? How did you find it, did you get treated fairly? 

  • I have ADD and Autism, and they let me fly aeroplanes! Why shouldn't she ride a horse? You don't have to lead with the autism declaration when you book a course, and personally I'd be inclined to let 'em get to know her on her own lights, first before divulging it. 

    If they like by then, they'll like her more, and if they don;t they may well have a re-think in the light of the new information.

    Let your daughter be a KID and not a "case" if you possibly can. Would be my advice as a successful parent of an ADD kid.

    Oh and always "have her back" even if you later have to explain in a suitable moment why she was wrong. My kid didn't have to lie to me, and knew if she gave me the truth I could work things to her advantage better. She is coping much better with her life currently than I ever did, so I guess it worked for her.

  • I have ADD and Autism, and they let me fly aeroplanes! Why shouldn't she ride a horse? You don't have to lead with the autism declaration when you book a course, and personally I'd be inclined to let 'em get to know her on her own lights, first before divulging it. 

    If they like by then, they'll like her more, and if they don;t they may well have a re-think in the light of the new information.

    Let your daughter be a KID and not a "case" if you possibly can. Would be my advice as a successful parent of an ADD kid.

    Oh and always "have her back" even if you later have to explain in a suitable moment why she was wrong. My kid didn't have to lie to me, and knew if she gave me the truth I could work things to her advantage better. She is coping much better with her life currently than I ever did, so I guess it worked for her.

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