Sex within a relationship

We think my husband might have Autism, he is on a waiting list to see someone.

The problem is I have a very high sex drive and he doesn't seem to have one at all. We have been together for 11 years and I always thought things would get better, but they haven't.

Finally today he has said one of the reasons is he doesn't like the smell of me down there, I'm not dirty and I don't notice a smell, so I explained to him that its natural for there to be a smell down there.

I also asked him if there is anything I can do to help him and he said no, he just needs to get over this by himself.

He said he has no idea how he is going to get over it and after always being like this, I can't see how he can just get over it.

I would be grateful for any advice on this.

  • A natural scent would be a better description.
    He needs to know this is perfectly normal.

  • P.s This should not be a Tabboo subject or be uncomfortable for Woman to talk about.
    The Female body was designed by Mother Nature to give off Pheromones to attract a mate.
    I will not elaborate on the above,but it is perfectly Natural.
    I know we all get embarrassed about our " bits " but it is perfectly normal.
    Nothing to ashamed about.
    It is erotic when love-making, enjoy each other's body the way Mother Nature intended.
    As far as Guy's are concerned ? They just need educating.
    Initmacy is the most beautiful thing in the world when you love someone.

  • P.s This should not be a Tabboo subject or be uncomfortable for Woman to talk about.
    The Female body was designed by Mother Nature to give off Pheromones to attract a mate.
    I will not elaborate on the above,but it is perfectly Natural.
    I know we all get embarrassed about our " bits " but it is perfectly normal.
    Nothing to ashamed about.
    It is erotic when love-making, enjoy each other's body the way Mother Nature intended.
    As far as Guy's are concerned ? They just need educating.
    Initmacy is the most beautiful thing in the world when you love someone.

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