A revelation about getting on with people

I've realised that people prefer it if I start with pleasantries, not just going straight to the point of what I want to say.

e.g. just now I went to get my recycling bin after it had been emptied. At least I thought it was my bin. I saw my neighbour getting into his car so I called 'is this my bin?' He looked blankly at me and said, 'hello, how are you? Haven't seen you for a while.' I was confused, I needed to know if that bin was mine or his. He was confused because he hadn't seen me for a while and wanted to say hello, not talk about bins.

Then it dawned on me, ta dahhhhhhhhhh! I should have said 'hello how are you?' Before launching into the questions about the bin.

I like to get straight to the point, never mind chit chat. Most humans prefer the chit chat first. Bulb 

I hope this has been helpful Sweat smile 

  • This is me EVERY email.

    I have learned one rule: Never hit send immediately. And without fail, somehow I always forget that important opening like: concern for the others well being. 

    I did end up on a chat with Apple and spend 45 minutes trying to work out what happened to a programme on my iMac for work when after about an hour I finally recalled it hasn't ever worked on this machine, I have to use my laptop. Total facepalm.

  • This is me EVERY email.

    I have learned one rule: Never hit send immediately. And without fail, somehow I always forget that important opening like: concern for the others well being. 

    I did end up on a chat with Apple and spend 45 minutes trying to work out what happened to a programme on my iMac for work when after about an hour I finally recalled it hasn't ever worked on this machine, I have to use my laptop. Total facepalm.
