Blake's 7 (and other sci fi if you want)

I'm enjoying re-watching Blake's 7 so much that I decided to start a discussion about it. Who else wants to join in?

I can't remember most of the episodes because I was about 9 when I watched them, so it's like something new, but it is such a good series. High time for a remake.

Me and my friends used to play Blake's 7 in the playground. I was always Cally. We were all girls so some played male roles.

Avon is such a great character! I love his constant arguing with Blake and I realise now why I liked Avon. Apart from the fact he's a handsome man, he is actually a more attractive character than Blake. All Blake does is shout and get angry. It's very tiring. They should have shown a softer side to him. At least Avon is a bit funny sometimes. And they should have just got another actor to play him when Gareth Thomas left. It was a bit stupid having Blake's 7 without Blake. 

Also I'd forgotten about Travis in his head-to-toe black leather costume. Well! And I like his hatred of Blake too, the way he is always trying to kill Blake, but Blake avoids killing him in order to score moral points.

A much better series than I remember, at first I didn't want to watch it because it was one of the last series I watched with my dad before he died. But re-watching it is actually making me happy. I can imagine my dad chuckling at some of the silly scenes.

If anyone wants to discuss this series with me, please do!

  • Oh yes I'd forgotten all about this series! Been years since I saw it, it was very good though Slight smile

    I never liked Blake, I found him detestable. Vila was absolutely amazing from start to finish though. What a character!

    Great show, I'll have to rewatch them again.

  • Yes, Blake was always angry and didn't seem to be a sympathetic character. He was overshadowed by Avon, which isn't ideal for the hero of a show!

    I think Vila was the REAL anti hero of the show, not Avon. Vila was scared, yet he still fought the Federation. He wasn't macho and aggressive, yet he still fought the Federation. There's a lot of backstory they could have explored with Vila.

    Whereas apart from being played by gorgeous Paul Darrow, Avon is just your everyday cold fish- not very interesting. I know lots of Avons, I don't know any Vilas.

  • Yes, Blake was always angry and didn't seem to be a sympathetic character. He was overshadowed by Avon, which isn't ideal for the hero of a show!

    I think Vila was the REAL anti hero of the show, not Avon. Vila was scared, yet he still fought the Federation. He wasn't macho and aggressive, yet he still fought the Federation. There's a lot of backstory they could have explored with Vila.

    Whereas apart from being played by gorgeous Paul Darrow, Avon is just your everyday cold fish- not very interesting. I know lots of Avons, I don't know any Vilas.

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