Mental illness

The job centre have now referred me to the government RESTART scheme, run by a private company called Maximus.

Yesterday I had my induction, phone appointment.  As part of this induction they asked about my health and disabilities and the women on the line often repeated what I said, to double check the accuracy.  I mentioned autism, she repeated, ' you suffer from the mental illness autism.'

  • Autism isn't a mental illnesses I'd be insauleted if someone classified my autism as a mental illnesses. Autism is is just a different mind set it's to do with the brain and how it effects your way of thinking. But hey that's Nurotypicals for you.  I hate being autistic myself not gona lie. But it's far from s mental illnesses. Instein was Autistic he was far from mental. Personally they don't sound like a good idea especially if they effect your benefits. Being autistic. Even if you work part time your entitled to a full top up to make it up what a full time worker would earn something sounds shady about this maximus scheme personally I wouldn't trust them if they refer to autism as mental health.

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