Mental illness

The job centre have now referred me to the government RESTART scheme, run by a private company called Maximus.

Yesterday I had my induction, phone appointment.  As part of this induction they asked about my health and disabilities and the women on the line often repeated what I said, to double check the accuracy.  I mentioned autism, she repeated, ' you suffer from the mental illness autism.'

  • Autism isn't a mental illnesses I'd be insauleted if someone classified my autism as a mental illnesses. Autism is is just a different mind set it's to do with the brain and how it effects your way of thinking. But hey that's Nurotypicals for you.  I hate being autistic myself not gona lie. But it's far from s mental illnesses. Instein was Autistic he was far from mental. Personally they don't sound like a good idea especially if they effect your benefits. Being autistic. Even if you work part time your entitled to a full top up to make it up what a full time worker would earn something sounds shady about this maximus scheme personally I wouldn't trust them if they refer to autism as mental health.

  • The situation is even more muddled.  At one appointment at Maximus, they did a job search for me and I picked three jobs I wanted to apply for.  Maximus promised to forward my CV and I asked them to email me details of these jobs in case I got an interview and I wanted to know what jobs I was applying for.

    I mentioned these three jobs at my next job centre appointment and my work coach wanted to know details of these three jobs because they should be included in my online universal credit journel.  I contacted Maximus, but they have been strangely silent on the matter since they said that they would get back to me.

  • The situation is even more muddled.  At one appointment at Maximus, they did a job search for me and I picked three jobs I wanted to apply for.  Maximus promised to forward my CV and I asked them to email me details of these jobs in case I got an interview and I wanted to know what jobs I was applying for.

    I mentioned these three jobs at my next job centre appointment and my work coach wanted to know details of these three jobs because they should be included in my online universal credit journel.  I contacted Maximus, but they have been strangely silent on the matter since they said that they would get back to me.

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