Places of Interest

I'm making a list. Google maps are open, a digital compass is swinging left to right; large mug of very milky tea and a pile of coconut biscuits by my laptop. Places to visit in the UK... September to December. Things of interest to do.

I've abandoned my annual winter trip to Gran Canaria (no sun this year) because of the uncertainty and hassle of vaccine passports, tests, and quarantine restrictions etc. I've given up on the idea of any foreign travel until next year when, with some luck, everyone will have got so fed up with being stamped, swabbed and scanned that things will return to normal and 2020 and 2021 will be an unpleasant but distant memory for most. This will be two years in a row that I've had my international wings clipped. None of the inept shower down in Westminster will ever getting my vote at an election!

But I digress! I've travelled to most parts of England, and a few regions in Scotland and Wales. I'm sure, though, that there are still hundreds of places of interest and attractions to visit around Great Britain that I've yet had the pleasure to visit and experience. 

If you have any thoughts, recommendations, suggestions, I'd be generally appreciative and demonstrably grateful for the opportunity to tap them into Safari and get my research going. 

Parents Reply
  • They say that we are frozen in time.  I think it is true and that this is good thing.  The beauty of the cathedral quarter is reason most people visit.  There are many different sides to the people here.  If i was to go into great depth it would be paragraphs and i'm tired this evening.
