What made you realise you have/might have autism?

Hey all, hope this is okay to post.

I’ve recently started to realise I may have autism - I originally thought it was ADHD but when I started looking at the crossover I realise that autism might be playing a role too!

I was just wondering what were the signs that originally made you realise you have/might have autism? Especially if you were diagnosed as an adult rather than as a child.

And a follow on question - looking back what did you do as a child that was likely due to autism? I want to get tested but seeing other peoples experiences I’m worried about the process - my memory is so rubbish I’m worried they’ll think I’m just wasting their time.

Thanks in advance! Yum

  • I always felt like 'the weirdo', and got told that nearly every day 'you're so weird/ odd/ strange/ funny'. I researched autism and wondered if that was what I had, so I applied for a diagnosis. I was pretty surprised to get it, because 99% of the time doctors dismiss any symptoms I ask them about.

    Looking back at my life it is very clear that I was 'the weirdo' but people accepted me as just 'that quirky girl' when I was young. After I started work, people began to be less accepting, and this has continued since. I feel like I stopped developing around 20 or so, while other people have just continued maturing and now I don't fit in.

  • Just to pick up on one point here, I felt that my development got stuck around 11. I still don't really feel like a mature adult, even at the age of 65. One slight advantage of that is that I feel too 'young' to ever really want to fully retire. I seem to look quite a bit younger than most people my own age too.

  • I understand that. I think I'm about 18 mentally. My 15 year old daughter is way more emotionally mature than I am. I'm sure she will outgrow me eventually. Actually like I outgrew my own mother emotionally come to think of it.

    I am 52, but most people think I'm in my 30s. It is getting embarrassing tbh. I wish my hair would go grey and people would shut up about it.

  • its hard for me to think of myself as still capable of work at 62 !

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