Shopping "difficulties" (not a big shop)

How does everyone find going shopping? 

I find it difficult organising myself and remembering what to buy outside general food. i make a list of meals and usually do 2 shops a week. But it's the other stuff I have problems with like toiletries or cleaning because they all run out at different times. And you cant always get what you need from the same shop.

Then there's remembering greetings cards. Online card shops have helped although you pay a premium it's easier to choose and they send you reminders. I'm often late with birthday cards.

I've delegated buying lightbulb to my partner for the rest of our lives.

Then there's other non-necessary stuff. I'm known for umming and ahhhing, carrying something around the shop with me then putting it down at the last minute and not buying it. Or I go especially to buy something but it's not in stock then I give up. Then I think "well I'll try online" then there's too many different websites, measurements,  prices etc.

Then I struggle when there's too much choice. I need new boot laces and tried a well known shoe repair who don't stock them. They said try the original shop. I did in store and online. No luck.  The store said contact customer services. I did. They don't make them anymore. Why sell expensive boots if they don't sell matching replacement laces? That frustrated me. So I went online and spent ages looking at other online shops but because I can't see the laces in person I don't know which colour to choose.

The shop I buy make up from suddenly stopped selling the only face powder I've ever worn. Now I have to find a new one. Have you seen how much choice there is?! I crumbled all my old bits together and congealed it with some surgical spirit so I've got a "new" powder press but it won't last forever. When there's too much choice I give up. Or there's different offers depending on which shop you go to but then you can't always guarantee they have everything in stock.

Or if something is not specific enough to what I'm looking for, I don't think "oh this will do instead, save yourself time and just buy this one". Or I look at something jn detail and think "actually it's not very good quality"when most stuff isnt these days as it's all cheap imports. Or I won't buy something if it's not exactly like the old one. Or I think "shop around a bit more" then I end up having to get the first one as there was no other choice for all reasons listed above.

Then I wanted to take something back last week but I didn't have a receipt and they wouldn't even give me a credit note.  I was ready for walking out of the shop and going home (not because i didnt get my own way but the principle of the matter with thr store policy frusytrated me and possibly because I was expecting a credit note as you can do in a lot of other stores) but it was a day out with a family member and I didn't want to spoil it. I couldn't concentrate for about an hour afterwards.

Has anyone got any tips? I take a list but it's remembering to put on it. Then when I get home usually that night we run out of something which I should've seen coming. Or my partner says "did you buy such a thing?" Well if he didn't tell me when I asked, then no. I do these shops in dribs and drabs. Maybe I need a routine of doing it on a certain day once a week or fortnight.

I'm going shopping in a bit.  I wish myself luck.

  • I have a non working day each Friday and keep a running To Do list on my phone. The list is actually multiple aide memoirs split into sections. I have my ‘Friday actions’ and ‘Shopping’ for example.

    Having my To Do lists are the only way I can function. My memory is so bad. I hate that Groundhog Day feeling I get when it rolls round to my morning routine and I realise for the 10th day running I have forgotten to put ‘toothpaste’ on my shopping list because in the time it takes me to walk downstairs I have forgotten that I needed to add it to my Shopping list.

    With sundries like cleaning/laundry products I prefer to buy multiple bottles so the need to replenish them quite so often is reduced. Saying that it’s my other half who does the big shop and (infuriatingly) does not buy things in bulk so we are always (to my mind) ‘running out’ of stuff which causes me physical stress.

    Online shopping? I prefer it because I am more in control of the environment unlike real shops. I often get overwhelmed by choice in the real world too and can’t see the point of offering 30 slightly different versions of the same product. I often give up and come home. My husband knows if we are shopping for hardware not to ask about clothes shopping because I won’t have my ‘clothes-shopping head’ on. Saying that online shopping is one long and very deep rabbit hole for me. I can spend hours, days, weeks researching, price matching and evaluating…phruuuugh!

    I very much hear your pain with makeup purchases. They are forever re-inventing their own products- I’m not sure it is actually possible to buy the same product again months apart. And yes: just too much choice!!! Saying that, I used to buy Prescriptives who pulled UK sales in the last down turn but life goes on and I stumbled onto something else which is perfect for me.

    My To Do lists and a regular day really has improved life for meso that’s what I’d recommend Slight smile

  • yea i have different modes  like "Building material mode", "groceries mode", "Charity shop setting 1" etc etc and when i go into one mode i find it hard to switch to another one, say if shops are closed.

    I find my mind is very funny at times.

  • yea i have different modes  like "Building material mode", "groceries mode", "Charity shop setting 1" etc etc and when i go into one mode i find it hard to switch to another one, say if shops are closed.

    I find my mind is very funny at times.

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