
The NHS estimates that almost a third of adults in the UK are obese, and that one in five children aged 10 to 11 are obese. That's a lot of people eating way too much fast and doing little to no exercise (we're all sitting on our big fat behinds way too much)What makes people overweight? Are we more likely to be obese if we're autistic? BBC journalist Michael Buerk announced recently that fat people should be allowed to drop dead and no longer trouble the NHS with their chubby troubles. He said, "The obese will die a decade earlier than the rest of us; see it as a selfless sacrifice in the fight against demographic imbalance, overpopulation and climate change.'" (Michael Buerk)


  • I am exactly the same. worked in a Hovis factory and it was just as revolting as working in a slaughter house. Worked in a wetherspoons kitchen and macdonals and will never eat at any of their locations because of some of the people working for them shouldn't be touching food. lack of hygiene and basic food safety.     

  • You would be surprised but the percentage of the people in the UK are mentally, emotionally and physically broken and use unhealthy habits like binge eating to cope. 

    You'll find obesity has gone up because accessibility to Gym, Clubs and recreational sports for both adult and children have either become expensive to access or not operating locally. Since the conservatives have been in power a lot of community activities and sport have had their funding cut. when i was in primary school their where adult and children's cricket club, football clubs, basket ball clubs, scouts & ton of activities and by the time i turned 13 they no longer existed because of funding restraints not lack of interest. 


  • aye, which is why the dumbest of people are always the types that advocate for a plant based diet lmao

  • t's because the production is so clean that bacteria is excluded - the bun will dessicate before it goes green.    

    We both know this is untrue. It is because of all the additives. It doesn't matter where you are in the world, if you bake good local, organic  ingredients, it is meant to be enjoyed there and then, not tomorrow or the next day or next week.

    That is why you still have queues of people lining up in France and other countries for fresh bread in the morning. If anything was filthy in those places they wouldn't survive. 

  • the most nutrition comes from meat based food

    Yes - meat gives us the energy to power a big brain - which uses 20% of everything we eat.

  • why does your beloved, fast food burger bun never seem to go off ?

    It's because the production is so clean that bacteria is excluded - the bun will dessicate before it goes green.    

    Most bread production is filthy (my friend used to service food production machinery - there's lots of things he will and won't eat because he's seen the factories.)

  • but yet plant based food barely has any nutritional value at all.... and any trace of nutrition in it gets immediately flushed because plant based food isnt natural for humans to eat and contain lectins and other stuff that are designed to inflame your bowels and force you to poop out the food pretty fast, of which theyd probably also claim thats fiber or something, but yet this process of forced expulsion makes it so nothing you eat can be properly digested and absorbed on time so you end up becoming malnourished of which is why many vegans look like the walking dead.

    the most nutrition comes from meat based food lol

  • It's all a scam for 4ssholes like Jamie Oliver who was trying to get a contract to 'supply' meals to schools - just like the Obamas did in the US.     It's all a massive scam.

    Any and all human progress to you seems like one big conspiracy theory to hoodwink you and your fixed mindset.

    Jamie Oliver was pointing out the fact that we were feeding our kids with cheap, mass-produced, manufactured,fast-food  crap with zero nutritional value and how the politicians viewed it as nothing wrong. 

    Tell me this, why does your beloved, fast food burger bun never seem to go off ? Is it because of its natural ingredients ?

  • Like most things, we have followed the pattern in the US where obesity is also a big problem and we are probably the most Americanised country in Europe by now.  Our country mirrors the US in many, many, many ways. We now drive to the mall like Americans to do our shopping from mostly chain stores selling food where the nutrition has been lost or never was there to begin with, we now have as much, if not more fast food outlets per square mile than the US. At least that's how it seems as you cannot drive more than a mile without seeing one in cities, towns and all other urbanised or built up areas. Fruit & vegetables shipped or flown in from all over the world, sprayed with chemicals in supermarkets have little or no nutrition in them, just like the fast-food burger with god knows what has been added to it along with their long-life buns that seem to keep for weeks or months without going off or blue moulded. So how long does it take for the body to break down all this artificial crap ? 

    Good wholesome, fresh, locally grown, daily baked bread or organic food will go off very quickly. That is because it has actually been alive and living or growing a short time previously. It is meant to be eaten locally and fresh, not forced out of the ground by artificial means and sprayed with chemicals to preserve the ' shelf life '. 

    That is just one reason but there are many more factors involved in Obesity which others have pointed out such as addiction and coping mechanisms, just the same as alcohol or drug abuse for the many at low points in their lives. There are also financial reasons for many people which in some cases, healthy eating is not always the top priority but survival on the cheapest possible food is and that is not the healthiest foods money can buy. 

    To say 

    That's a lot of people eating way too much fast food and doing nothing but sitting on their behinds

    is a simple-minded way to start a discussion or have any meaningful dialogue. 

  • Food has definitely changed. The average muffin in the last 20 years grew from 1.5 ounces and 210 calories to 4 ounces and 500 calories, while the average bagel expanded from three inches and 140 calories to six inches and 350 calories. Everything we eat has become super-sized. Portion sizes, right along with our waistlines, have got consistently more enormous over the past 50 years. 

  • Nothing is "simple'.

    However, if you're expressing you've done the research into the mineral content of farms, the vitamin content of GM fruit, veg and carbs and can account for what animals eat and how that's broken down in the human system AND have concluded you're absolutely certain there is nothing different in the food source from 100 years ago, then OK. 

  • I don't know if you're aware that it's not the highly processed food that's the problem - it's the sauces -  like tomato sauce or salad dressings - it's horrendous - all sugars and E-numbers - that what messes your body up.

    As for the scams - it's interesting but all the youtubes have been hidden or deleted.      The Obamas were behind the companies that the government gave contracts to to supply the school meals - a nice little earner - that's why Trump ended their cosy monopoly when he was in power.

    btw - I'm finding the 'behind the scenes' partisan censorship that's going on on social media quite insidious.    Stuff is disappearing.

  • People are free to choose what to eat and also how to travel, and also if they exercise or not. So, why don't people (specifically, those who could benefit most from including healthier options) make different choices? What could help people make better choices, without negatively impacting others? My ideas are an attempt to answer the latter question. There are flaws to my ideas, which doesn't surprise me, as you have pointed out.

    I'd like to hear more about the scams you mention, though, as I'm not aware of them. Do you have any links? Or is it your interpretation? I genuinely want to learn more about this.

    Nothing wrong with a burger occasionally, and of course they contain nutrition. I sometimes don't understand comments in this forum as I feel I'm agreeing but it sounds like you think I'm contradicting you lol! I've literally just had burgers 2 days in a row. I don't eat them a lot, but having them occasionally works for me. I find I feel better after eating home made burgers rather than highly processed, low quality ones, though. I haven't eaten in McDs for maybe 15 years, so I can't comment on what they offer right now. I've eaten in other fast food places that offer what I'd call 'junk food' because it's highly processed food that makes me feel awful afterwards - zaps my energy and it feels like my insides are churning like a washing machine. (15 years ago that was the same as McDs.) I had no choice those times as I was travelling and I'd feel worse if I didn't eat. Salad leaves probably contain massively less nutrition than a burger patty, ironically! But I like the taste of them in a burger! Just taking 2 things as an example: lettuce and tomatoes are mostly water.

  • I have a long list of jobs here... if you need some extra activity! Grinning

  • If you want an occasional junk food treat, then a bit extra in tax shouldn't be an issue ...

    Seriously - and who gets to decide what I am allowed to eat?    Like I said, a burger is basically a salad in a bun with a piece of meat - what is wrong with that?     

    There's been plenty of proof that when arranged differently, nutritionists claim those ingredients are perfect for people to eat.    Why should I be 'taxed' because of the arrangement of ingredients?

    It's all a scam for 4ssholes like Jamie Oliver who was trying to get a contract to 'supply' meals to schools - just like the Obamas did in the US.     It's all a massive scam.

    One of the biggest cause of lack of exercise is the fact we commute now - people have always lived next to where they work - now, in an effort to grow economies since WW2, governments have decided to get everyone buying cars to mobilise the people - so now we commute miles to work in cars.

  • This is the only thing I'm hesitant to agree with you on... Because if I agree I would be a complete hypocrite haha! I've been indoors and sedentary pretty much all day!! This is my reminder to get out... 

    (Well, technically, I have been active with some housework, but it wasn't enough for me!)

  • I'm convinced that if the modern generations were physically active (every day) and doing much more regular exercise, there would be no obesity and even being overweight would be rare. People could eat what they liked, but all the food would be burned off in energy. 

  • I completely agree. If people were physically active and doing regular exercise, there would be no obesity and even being overweight would be rare.

  • Why do you want to punish everyone for eating the occasional McD?

    Exactly! My idea was not suggesting this. This would be extreme.

    Overall, junk food is usually cheaper than nutritious food. Why not find a way to make the opposite true, to encourage better habits overall? If you want an occasional junk food treat, then a bit extra in tax shouldn't be an issue .... because it's occasional. It would barely be noticeable in this case. However, if it's someone's daily habit, then a small price increase will equate to enough cost over weeks and months to .... here's idealistic, hopeful thinking... help them tip the balance to cheaper nutritious foods as their regular habit.

    I'm not thinking of making a McD meal cost too much to be able to afford it occasionally.

    There is no practical cooking training in schools now

    Yes, it's sad that a celebrity chef like Jamie Oliver had to go into schools to do this. I've heard some good things that school meals (actually in schools, in dinner halls) have improved. I don't know if they've improved enough, though. I'm definitely no expert in this with no close links to schools.

  • On the topic of junk food - I think it would be great if there was a tax on it,

    2 things - there is no such thing as junk food - it's a marketing phrase to guilt you into wasting money of 'healthy' food.

    Why do you want to punish everyone for eating the occasional McD?   

    If a burger includes lettuce, tomato, pickle, meat and bread, how is that bad?

    There is no practical cooking training in schools now - most kids have no clue where food comes from or what's in it - I saw a program showing potato waffle manufacturing - and the ingredients include wood derivatives.