Social Media is Simultaneously One Of The Most Incredible and Terrible Inventions of the 21st Century

That’s my opinion I find the concept of social media hard to tackle in my brain because of my view on but curious to see what you think.

  • It's like Pinnochio; where the boys were sent to 'Pleasure Island' where they were allowed to do Adult stuff; until they turned into Donkeys.

    Facebook has turned our society into a Warzone. Divide and Conquer. A game of chess; where we are the pawns.

    America has ALWAYS favoured Natural Selection; creating a game where they cannot lose. (like a bullied schoolboy playing 'games' with his siblings, where he wins all the time - my brother did that to me when we were young)

    We're free, but have little sovereignty.

  • It's like Pinnochio; where the boys were sent to 'Pleasure Island' where they were allowed to do Adult stuff; until they turned into Donkeys.

    Yes - people blindly following a self-absorbed and narcissistic lifestyle and becoming part of the noisy herd - the individual gradually loses their own voice to become a slave to the system - a beast of burden - the donkey.      Just like the world of Twitter.

  • It's like Pinnochio; where the boys were sent to 'Pleasure Island' where they were allowed to do Adult stuff; until they turned into Donkeys.

    Yes - people blindly following a self-absorbed and narcissistic lifestyle and becoming part of the noisy herd - the individual gradually loses their own voice to become a slave to the system - a beast of burden - the donkey.      Just like the world of Twitter.

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