PIP and ESA medicals

What are your experiences of PIP and ESA medicals(and the tribunals)?

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  • They put everyone in a state(like the 808 term!). I hate these tribunals. All the rules-like if u are gonna turn up u must let them know,then some knob from DWP just twists what u say. I didnt turn up to PIP one(as worried i'd shout at DWP medical idiot),i didnt go and got fair amount of points.

    2nd ESA medical resulted in me going to A&E,then arresting me for saying i wanted to kill myself(by dragging me out of bed at midnight and making up false charges to hold me in a cell for 36 hrs!). MH just discharged me accepting no responsibility and said just arrest him,we dont section in this city(aholes!).

    ESA tribunal DWP didnt turn up and i was in tears all way thru,judge was disgusted at them making me go thru it! When awarded i was still ringing DWP saying what judge said and swearing at them(as had no other money then for 8 months!). DWP always get my rage,as they so insensitive!