Wanting the age for being an adult to be lowered from age 18 in all countries

Hello my name is Shola and I would like for the age for being an adult to be lowered from age 18 to age 16, 15 or even 14 or 13 in this country and all other countries too because I am so angry with older people and people who are young treating younger people which includes children and teenagers like they are babies/little children when they are all not babies or little children anymore. People seriously need to stop treating children and teenagers like they are babies or little children right now as that is not acceptable and children and teenagers should be allowed to have more rights, responsibilities and freedoms like adults already have please I need to know what are the full list of things young people want to change and what are the list of changes that they want to see happen on this planet?

  • theres a few issues with that. such as chav gangs, the existence of roving gangs of chavs prove that teenagers are not responsible enough. and that even after they leave teenage years they are still rather irresponsible for a while longer even.

    the good responsible kids are actually few and far between. the norm pretty much is very irresponsible. the majority of idiots ruin it for the minority of good in this case you can say.

  • theres a few issues with that. such as chav gangs, the existence of roving gangs of chavs prove that teenagers are not responsible enough. and that even after they leave teenage years they are still rather irresponsible for a while longer even.

    the good responsible kids are actually few and far between. the norm pretty much is very irresponsible. the majority of idiots ruin it for the minority of good in this case you can say.

  • also perhaps society would be better if it listened to its elders, as most times in society the elders were the ones you had to listen to for they had lived longer and had more wisdom. the purpose of the elder was always the decisions and advice. the purpose of the young was to do everything else, farm, war, procreate, raise kids. the elders role was always wisdom and to pass down knowledge and to guide the clan and make decisions. i feel perhaps we need to bring back a more natural hierarchy like this to correct the world. perhaps the issue to take from the post is that young people perhaps need to learn to respect their elders more and to realise their worth and place in the world and realise they are not at that stage yet themselves?