What would happen if every single person on Earth simply disappeared?

Not dead, simply gone, just like that. How would suburban pets fare without people to feed them? How would the forests, the oceans and the wildlife react if there was suddenly an end to all the hunting, fishing and farming? After being on the receiving end of humanity for millennia, nature would finally be given a chance to take the world back. But how would it work? How long would the skyscrapers and houses last if they were abandoned? 

Aftermath: Population Zero - The World without Humans

This is a fascinating documentary. It's quite long, but extremely interesting. What would happen if, tomorrow, every single person on Earth simply disappeared? “Aftermath” is the astounding story of a world that humans will never see. The two-hour special examines the impact of human beings on this planet by proposing what the Earth might be like without people.

  • After a certain amount of time the nuclear reactors around the world would meltdown and explode and that wouldn't be very good for environment not sure about nuclear weapons but mostly nature would reclaim all the concrete jungles we've created and there would be massive animal population boom as they start to move into the cities I would think.

    Ultimately it would go back to how it was before we were here most of the worlds history we were never there to see.

  • After a certain amount of time the nuclear reactors around the world would meltdown and explode

    No - they would automatically SCRAM and so would then just gradually melt down - the internals of the reactor would eventually collapse and burn though the primary containment - the reactor's guts would then mix with the sand in the secondary containment to form a solid lump of glass and there would be no further criticality - it would just sit there for ever while the radiation decays away.

  • After a certain amount of time the nuclear reactors around the world would meltdown and explode

    No - they would automatically SCRAM and so would then just gradually melt down - the internals of the reactor would eventually collapse and burn though the primary containment - the reactor's guts would then mix with the sand in the secondary containment to form a solid lump of glass and there would be no further criticality - it would just sit there for ever while the radiation decays away.
