What do you like to buy and collect?

Hey I thought it would be interesting to know what we all like to buy and collect. I like to buy books, I own lots of Agatha Christie books and loads of lego minifigures which I love to buy and collect. I've also began collecting money, my mum used to collect vintage banknotes, she had an album which is now mine and in it there's money from the 1920s. Such lovely things. I've also began collecting records. 

What do you all like to collect?

  • Books: fiction, history, history of science and biography. African wood-carvings (esp. Makonde). Antiquities, mostly pottery (Roman, Greek, Egyptian). Antique swords and daggers. The carvings derive from a general interest in art, most of the others from interest in specific historical periods and subjects.

  • wow we have a full blown scientist ,,,,,,, so pleased to see you here

  • Thanks! Nothing to do with neurology though, just tropical diseases. Not very relevant to autism, though I did know an ex-student of the originator of the 'autism is caused by vaccines' nonsense. He very bravely, PhD students are very dependant on their supervisors, refused to have his name on the Lancet paper. He thought the methodology and the analysis were very flawed, to say the least.

  • keep them all !   

    Thats the one thing i miss

    sitting in a library reading scientific papers  thats heaven for me :)

  • I'm on 'Research Gate', which gives access to many papers and have access to JSTOR. As an alumnus I have limited access to my old university library. Not the unlimited access I had before retirement, however.

  • I'm on 'Research Gate', which gives access to many papers and have access to JSTOR. As an alumnus I have limited access to my old university library. Not the unlimited access I had before retirement, however.
