Big Disappointments

I'm doing a big of a bucket-list run-through and trying things I've never done before.

The last two have been real let-downs - I tried black pudding - never liked the thought of it - and it was gross - like a great big greasy scab.

The other is something that my brother-in-law has been promoting for years - a McFish Fillet burger.   It's the only thing he eats from McD.

Had one yesterday - it's just a big fish finger with practically no flavour.   Watery and bland.    It rates as a great big 'meh'.

What have you done recently that was not as described?

  • went up in a small plane [,wife bought an experience as a birthday present] ,done a loop the loop and a barrel run,sick for a few hours after and next morning world started spinning ,lasted on and off for about 2 years.Something to do with crystals in the inner ear becoming detached .

    and i always had the idea to get a horse and train it to ride and do farm work, saw a unbroken  2 year old  ardenne mare at new forest auction and went for it ,took about 2 years but did ride her and pulled a few logs around .but found my anxiety levels make horses spooky ,even bombproof ones start getting nervous with me ,so was all a bit dissapointing and i broke 4 ribs 

  • Oh that's interesting about the sickness. I get that too. If I move at all e.g. car, bus, playground swing, I feel terrible and it lasts hours/ days. I don't move at all now, I stay still at home and don't go out.

  • it might be bppv its calcium crystals get dislodged in the ear and trigger the feeling of spinning ,you sort of move your head in a certain way to get them back where they should be called the Epley maneuver. but it does take a while to work totally,

  • it might be bppv its calcium crystals get dislodged in the ear and trigger the feeling of spinning ,you sort of move your head in a certain way to get them back where they should be called the Epley maneuver. but it does take a while to work totally,
