Cash or card?

With the pandemic and multiple lockdowns, there have been a few changes to life.

One still puzzles me.

When paying, some places are card only, others cash only.  Why the inconsistency?

In my local shopping area.

KFC is card only.

Chinese takeaway is cash only.

Indian takeaway is also cash only.


  • Greetings, Sir. Slight smile In addition to the good points as said by others here so far... as you mention the "pandemic", there is the additional thing about some big stores only preferring CARD because it involves a lot less "physical contact"; that is to say, Cash is 'handled' a lot by a lot of Persons, and so some of them are now saying that 'Card is safer'. 

    Small / Independent places that always preferred Cash will likely still take Cash. Where I am, the KFC takes both Cash and Card. 'Holland And Barrett' immediately refused Cash as soon as the first "lockdown" began. Local Takeaways always & still preferred Cash.

    ...But as I say, what is written so far on this Thread is good, I just offer a little different thingy for You. Good Fortune to All!

  • yes cash, especially coinage  is basically a disease spreader. Have u ever put coins in your mouth !

  • It could be argued that money is the perfect vehicle for maintaining herd immunity and strong immune systems amongst a population.      A world full of Dettol is just asking for infections to become more of a problem - like MRSA.

  • Not really, because it's a myth that picking up bad bacteria and viruses helps the immune system. Picking up good bacteria on the other hand is good for us. For example, some bacteria found in soil is very good for us. 

    Herd immunity on its own is not a reliable method to keep populations alive and well. Because it depends way too much on the virus or bacteria involved and how fast it spreads and how many people would need to become infected to even reach 'herd immunity' 

  • Not really, because it's a myth that picking up bad bacteria and viruses helps the immune system. Picking up good bacteria on the other hand is good for us. For example, some bacteria found in soil is very good for us. 

    Herd immunity on its own is not a reliable method to keep populations alive and well. Because it depends way too much on the virus or bacteria involved and how fast it spreads and how many people would need to become infected to even reach 'herd immunity' 

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