Commander Data from Star Trek

I noticed that someone on this board recently described themselves as like Commander Data from Star Trek. Very able intellectually but struggles emotionally and socially. It was something like that and I can't remember who wrote it.

But I thought Commander Data was a good metaphor for how I feel and behave- able intellectually but struggles emotionally and socially. Does anyone else feel like that? Data was my favourite character in Star Trek, this must be why!

  • That'll be me.       In the Star Trek universe, I'd do very well.     On planet earth, I'm screwed.   Smiley   

    I also identify with "David" from the film A.I. -  sort of robotic and *almost* human but just missing the finer details of human interaction so easily manipulated by people with an agenda..

  • Could we also be like Lore (not in an evil sense) but almost becoming overly emotional too though?....I always thought he had more did Dr Soong.

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