Zoom Quizzes

I usually do Zoom quizzes with the Belfast Meetup Group I used to be friendly with. However, I always leave before the end. I feel alone whenever the women in the place are drunk and chatting. Frustration creeps in, and I couldn't hack it.

Being alone in a crowd is a common trait of Aspies.

  • My work have been doing zoom parties and I've been invited to a couple of zoom quizzes but I just don't think of enjoy them so I haven't joined in.

    When I used to have Xbox live I'd only join in on the voice chat if it was just a few friends, sometimes other people would join in and that's when I'd go quiet and eventually excuse myself.

  • My work have been doing zoom parties and I've been invited to a couple of zoom quizzes but I just don't think of enjoy them so I haven't joined in.

    When I used to have Xbox live I'd only join in on the voice chat if it was just a few friends, sometimes other people would join in and that's when I'd go quiet and eventually excuse myself.

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