Siblings with asd

Hi, I’m just wondering if there is anyone In a similar situation to me.

I’m currently trying for a baby with my partner who has an autistic child from a previous marriage. She’s now 7 and is low on the spectrum. I’m worried about the chances of having another autistic child And how I would deal with things. 

Is there anyone who can speak to me about their experiences? 

  • You can talk to me about your experiences. Both I and my husband are autistic, as is our LO. I'm really interested in finding out why you are concerned that you may have a baby that is like us?

    I'm a teacher and my husband is a director at an engineering firm. Like our PNT peers, its the way autistic people are natured that has the greatest impact on their life. Think about a child who is constantly told they are not good enough, will never amount to anything, that they are easy pray for bullies etc. Individuals who experience this level of abuse and poor parenting often have negative and limiting thought patterns, as well as emotional outburst. Especially compared to those whose are taught how to; advocate for their needs, build upon their strengths, manage their weaknesses etc.

  • You can talk to me about your experiences. Both I and my husband are autistic, as is our LO. I'm really interested in finding out why you are concerned that you may have a baby that is like us?

    I'm a teacher and my husband is a director at an engineering firm. Like our PNT peers, its the way autistic people are natured that has the greatest impact on their life. Think about a child who is constantly told they are not good enough, will never amount to anything, that they are easy pray for bullies etc. Individuals who experience this level of abuse and poor parenting often have negative and limiting thought patterns, as well as emotional outburst. Especially compared to those whose are taught how to; advocate for their needs, build upon their strengths, manage their weaknesses etc.

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