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Is it worth mentioning you have autism at a job interview??

Hi, everyone!

I am new to the community and was wondering if anyone else has had this same issue:

I am currently 27 and was recently diagnosed with autism last September.

I have been in the Graphic Design industry for 5 years now and I have been looking for a new job since the new year due to losing my previous one.

I currently have a little part time job but with the circumstances around Covid-19 there are little to no new jobs available.

When I was looking / applying / getting interviews etc, I didn't always put autism in the "disability" section unless that company is a well known / big brand because I was too scared I would put employers off as being "defective".

However, if I was to get another interview in the future, is it worth mentioning?

What do people think of this? Does it just come down to the employer themselves?

Thank you in advance!

  • the stats say, do not, unless it stops you going to the interview ie u cant face people or answer questions ( some autism people can not answer questions saw it in a program on TV about autism people working in IT companies). You can tell HR, if u want, after signing a contract and tell them u have been advised not to mention it upfront.   

    The stats I mention are and I quote, from a survey, "more than 50% of employers will not interview anyone with any disability". I dont have a source, a woman from a disability organisation gave a presentation to the company I work for and thats her quote.

    Generally public bodies such as Civil service  are more flexible than private companies

  • the stats say, do not, unless it stops you going to the interview ie u cant face people or answer questions ( some autism people can not answer questions saw it in a program on TV about autism people working in IT companies). You can tell HR, if u want, after signing a contract and tell them u have been advised not to mention it upfront.   

    The stats I mention are and I quote, from a survey, "more than 50% of employers will not interview anyone with any disability". I dont have a source, a woman from a disability organisation gave a presentation to the company I work for and thats her quote.

    Generally public bodies such as Civil service  are more flexible than private companies

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