What Happens If Someone Tries A Discussion About "Ecology Versus Economy " ("Climate Change") Upon This Forum

Greetings, Anyone. I do not Post as Frequently as I used to. But this is a "Hot Topic" socially right now, but, a bit like CARS, no-one started a Thread about it.

My question is... the folly of "because One cannot see it, then it does no-one harm?"

...With regards to "Climate Change", this here WWW/Internet... & Electricity, Smartphones, Radiowaves, UHF, Mining Rare Minerals for said products, etc... All of this activity grows exponentially, just like the Population. Both are harmful in My Own opinion... but I am, um, 'insignificant'... so I was wondering about what anyone else's opinions about "Climate Change" are here in general.

(Beware I often have to sign off abruptly, sorry. But I post this and see if/how anyone else is interested in anyone else about it all.) From Me, Good Fortune To All Good People.

  • First off, may I point out I think anthropogenic  (manmade) climate change is real. I emphasise the first part because climate change on its own is a ludicrous phrase.

    However, it is clear that it is being used as a tool by rich people to continue to dictate to the poor, and to lower their standard of living by lumping on tariffs and so called carbon taxes onto their life expenses. Most of these carbon taxes are not progressive and hit the poor hardest. The monies raised do not help green causes much either.

    A lot of the activists like Greta Thunberg come from upper or upper middle class backgrounds so do not understand true poverty. Putin, of all people, is one of the few world leaders to point out Thunberg is basically a front for other interests. They have used her youth, and more shamefully her autism, as a shield for criticism of their tactics and programme. When Thunberg goes off message it is very obvious she is lost, and her handlers don't like that.

  • When Thunberg goes off message it is very obvious she is lost, and her handlers don't like that.

    I don'y know whether climate activists use Greta;s autism as a shield, I am no sure what benefit they derive from it as she is on the receiving end of a lot of attacks specifically on her autism. The  climate denial people always attack her autism by exploiting prejudice and undermining her agency by asserting that sh is merely a puppet.

    One should be careful with this invalidating perspective as it affects all autistic people. The argument that our views are not valid and that we act only as puppets is profoundly discriminatory and diminishes all people with disabilities.

  • Greta is a total fake.    She was spotted by a US left-wing group and used in a coordinated push by media companies to sway the recent climate conferences.         It's classic "Won't someone think of the children?" rhetoric.


    Ben Shapiro spells it out.

  • It is more important to point out Greta is a rich girl, and her solutions are ones that rich people will be able to bear better than the poor people they are inflicted on. As people keep saying - and rightly in this case - if they are so serious about pollution, why not protest China? China's pollution is horrific and not subject to the same kinds of safeguards that developed countries are. Their manufacturing methods are highly polluting (and sometimes involve prison camp labour)... yet barely a squeak from her and her mates about the place.

  • It is more important to point out Greta is a rich girl, and her solutions are ones that rich people will be able to bear better than the poor people they are inflicted on. As people keep saying - and rightly in this case - if they are so serious about pollution, why not protest China? China's pollution is horrific and not subject to the same kinds of safeguards that developed countries are. Their manufacturing methods are highly polluting (and sometimes involve prison camp labour)... yet barely a squeak from her and her mates about the place.

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