What Happens If Someone Tries A Discussion About "Ecology Versus Economy " ("Climate Change") Upon This Forum

Greetings, Anyone. I do not Post as Frequently as I used to. But this is a "Hot Topic" socially right now, but, a bit like CARS, no-one started a Thread about it.

My question is... the folly of "because One cannot see it, then it does no-one harm?"

...With regards to "Climate Change", this here WWW/Internet... & Electricity, Smartphones, Radiowaves, UHF, Mining Rare Minerals for said products, etc... All of this activity grows exponentially, just like the Population. Both are harmful in My Own opinion... but I am, um, 'insignificant'... so I was wondering about what anyone else's opinions about "Climate Change" are here in general.

(Beware I often have to sign off abruptly, sorry. But I post this and see if/how anyone else is interested in anyone else about it all.) From Me, Good Fortune To All Good People.

  • First off, may I point out I think anthropogenic  (manmade) climate change is real. I emphasise the first part because climate change on its own is a ludicrous phrase.

    However, it is clear that it is being used as a tool by rich people to continue to dictate to the poor, and to lower their standard of living by lumping on tariffs and so called carbon taxes onto their life expenses. Most of these carbon taxes are not progressive and hit the poor hardest. The monies raised do not help green causes much either.

    A lot of the activists like Greta Thunberg come from upper or upper middle class backgrounds so do not understand true poverty. Putin, of all people, is one of the few world leaders to point out Thunberg is basically a front for other interests. They have used her youth, and more shamefully her autism, as a shield for criticism of their tactics and programme. When Thunberg goes off message it is very obvious she is lost, and her handlers don't like that.

  • I dont care about Greta's economic background. She is doing the right thing and I will support her. I likewise support Prince Charles efforts and all other people who are fighting to save the planet eg  Green Party, Greenpeace, WWF, birds people(RSPB), anglers, fishermen.

    I am just particularily proud that it takes an autistic person to ram it into the politicians in a clear autistic way. She was at the point of death until her father and mother started to change their ways to be more environmental and take her seriously. 

    VIVA Greta Thunberg


  • I *do* care very much about her economic background. It explains a lot. The upper echelons have always felt it's their duty to lecture those below them. The message changes, the manner does not. In a past age, she would have been telling us peasants about the evils of drink or how sinful we are all. The upper class has always been right and the proles have been wrong according to themselves. It's self-rationalisation for their privilege. That is why she continually pushes solutions which won't hurt rich people like her but do hurt the poor.

    Anyway, she is clearly a front for others. She becomes utterly lost when she has no script. Look her up on Youtube. It is DESPICABLE that her handlers have used her autism as a shield from criticism. 

    One of Prince Charles' family hobbies is to blast animals out of the air, so I'm taking no green lectures off that lot. His family should have been removed centuries ago as a feudal anachronism.

  • I *do* care very much about her economic background. It explains a lot. The upper echelons have always felt it's their duty to lecture those below them. The message changes, the manner does not. In a past age, she would have been telling us peasants about the evils of drink or how sinful we are all. The upper class has always been right and the proles have been wrong according to themselves. It's self-rationalisation for their privilege. That is why she continually pushes solutions which won't hurt rich people like her but do hurt the poor.

    Anyway, she is clearly a front for others. She becomes utterly lost when she has no script. Look her up on Youtube. It is DESPICABLE that her handlers have used her autism as a shield from criticism. 

    One of Prince Charles' family hobbies is to blast animals out of the air, so I'm taking no green lectures off that lot. His family should have been removed centuries ago as a feudal anachronism.
