Two of everything?


anyone subscribe to 'two of everything' ?

As I like a smooth regime, I tend to have backups if things were go wrong.

I have two pedal bikes, because I can't face buses. I have two smart phones just in case. I backup digital stuff three times actually. I have two vapes just incase god forbid one breaks. But all the things I rely on and are imperative to my daily life, I have a back up just in case (whether it's obsolete but functional, it's a back up)

Anyone? :) 

  • I find it difficult to resist the temptation to buy multiples of anything that I know is good.  In the supermarket, if I need coffee (and can afford it / the price is reasonable) I will buy 9 of them.  When I buy washing liquid - I'll buy 3 or 4 of them etc etc.

    If I find tech that I like......and I know it is "going out of fashion"....I'll wait for the price to drop and then buy 3 or 4 back-ups for my stores.  I've had the same make and model of most things for a decade+.

    I'm so progressive and experimental.....NOT ! [albeit, with the things I do have and use, I do have notable competencies due to the length of time I have had them and my resultant depth of understanding.]  I'm a MASSIVE believer in "better the devil you know."

    I like it when some of the older threads get revived !

  • Thats a really good idea. Especially with tech, as it changes so quickly. I find it a good thing with clothes too as most shops these days change styles so quickly 

  • On the clothes side of things....I'm the "next level" of psycho!!  A few years ago, I put all my "shoes" in one place......and found that I had 18 pairs of serviceable "shoes"..........all of which are identical make and model.

    I have "issues" Billy.......big "issues"!

  • On the clothes side of things....I'm the "next level" of psycho!!  A few years ago, I put all my "shoes" in one place......and found that I had 18 pairs of serviceable "shoes"..........all of which are identical make and model.

    I have "issues" Billy.......big "issues"!

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