Things that confuse me about haircuts

Neurotypicals seem to place quite a high priority on how their hair looks and I really don't understand their fixation with it. For example:

  1. Why they talk about going to the hairdresser (who cares?)
  2. Why they enjoy having their hair cut (bright lights, horrible chemical smells and a hairdresser who talks incessant b*****ks)
  3. Why they walk up to you periodically with a big grin and say, "So, what do you think? Do you like it?" (as if I'm expected to notice that something has changed. Hint: I never do)
  4. Why they constantly brush, fluff-up or re-style their hair throughout the day (I ran a cursory brush through it when I got up, and I go to work to, y'know, work, not play with my hair all day)
  5. Why hairdressers are always trying to convince you to 'try something new' (err, it's taken me a decade to find something that both looks and feels acceptable, why would I change that?)
  6. Why they cost so much (especially with the amount of torment we have to put up with, per point 2, frankly we should be paid to be sat there)

Do you understand it? Funny stories and explanations both welcome and encouraged.

  • I've only once been to a hairdresser...never again. I don't like being touched, can't convincingly pretend to care, hate small talk etc. I cut my own hair. Sometimes it looks good, sometimes not so good but I don't care really. I shaved it last year but I'm so nesh I was permanently cold. 

    People were very shocked that I did my own wedding hair and make up. I usually think professional wedding looks look awful. The person looks so different. My sister spent a fortune on having her lovely natural curls straightened and then recurled. Her make up was so heavy she ended up taking it off and doing it herself.

  • I cut my own hair. Sometimes it looks good, sometimes not so good

    Yep, I'm at this point now. If I want a neat job, I ask my fiancé to help. I've never really cared about how my hair looks, it was always for other people's benefit, but now I don't care about their opinions either. So liberating.

    You're right—professional wedding looks always seem so fake, kinda pantomime-esque, but kudos on doing your own wedding hair and make up. I'm thinking of going that route too. I need to practise a bit first, although, if I'm totally honest, I'm struggling to be bothered. Maybe I'll feel more motivated closer to the time.

  • My hair was shoulder length so I just used curling tongs and lots of hair spray. Practising a few times is a good idea! Weddings are stressful even as a guest! 

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