Things that confuse me about haircuts

Neurotypicals seem to place quite a high priority on how their hair looks and I really don't understand their fixation with it. For example:

  1. Why they talk about going to the hairdresser (who cares?)
  2. Why they enjoy having their hair cut (bright lights, horrible chemical smells and a hairdresser who talks incessant b*****ks)
  3. Why they walk up to you periodically with a big grin and say, "So, what do you think? Do you like it?" (as if I'm expected to notice that something has changed. Hint: I never do)
  4. Why they constantly brush, fluff-up or re-style their hair throughout the day (I ran a cursory brush through it when I got up, and I go to work to, y'know, work, not play with my hair all day)
  5. Why hairdressers are always trying to convince you to 'try something new' (err, it's taken me a decade to find something that both looks and feels acceptable, why would I change that?)
  6. Why they cost so much (especially with the amount of torment we have to put up with, per point 2, frankly we should be paid to be sat there)

Do you understand it? Funny stories and explanations both welcome and encouraged.

  • I don't understand it either, though I wouldn't hold it against anyone if it's what makes them happy (so long as they don't hold it against me that I don't care!)

    Currently: Hair at the back - nearly down to my bum (kept out of the way as a pony-tail); hair at the front and top - long since departed; hair on the chin - would make a nice home for a family of small songbirds or rodents (and a useful reminder of what I had for tea!)

    Yes - the dreaded (though not dreadlocked!) "hippie ageing disgracefully" look. Maybe a little ironic, as I've always been more of a punk than a hippy - I used to get rather bemused with the punks who kept banging on about punk being all about "being what you want to be", while berating me for "not being punk enough" because of my lack of spikiness and garish colours (on at least one occasion half the audience walked out of one of our gigs when they saw a "hippy" on stage before we'd even played a note!)

    The only person who has ever cut my hair is my Mum - she worked as a hairdresser before me and my brother came along, and used to do neighbours' hair for a bit of pin-money (aaargh - the smell when she used to do perms!). I went through a phase of shaving it all off (apart from the inevitable patches that I always missed - I never will get the hang of mirrors!) But I just can't be bothered with all that any more, and I can't stand having a chatty stranger lurking about where I can't see them and pawing at my head.

  • I don't understand it either, though I wouldn't hold it against anyone if it's what makes them happy (so long as they don't hold it against me that I don't care!)

    Currently: Hair at the back - nearly down to my bum (kept out of the way as a pony-tail); hair at the front and top - long since departed; hair on the chin - would make a nice home for a family of small songbirds or rodents (and a useful reminder of what I had for tea!)

    Yes - the dreaded (though not dreadlocked!) "hippie ageing disgracefully" look. Maybe a little ironic, as I've always been more of a punk than a hippy - I used to get rather bemused with the punks who kept banging on about punk being all about "being what you want to be", while berating me for "not being punk enough" because of my lack of spikiness and garish colours (on at least one occasion half the audience walked out of one of our gigs when they saw a "hippy" on stage before we'd even played a note!)

    The only person who has ever cut my hair is my Mum - she worked as a hairdresser before me and my brother came along, and used to do neighbours' hair for a bit of pin-money (aaargh - the smell when she used to do perms!). I went through a phase of shaving it all off (apart from the inevitable patches that I always missed - I never will get the hang of mirrors!) But I just can't be bothered with all that any more, and I can't stand having a chatty stranger lurking about where I can't see them and pawing at my head.

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