Things that confuse me about haircuts

Neurotypicals seem to place quite a high priority on how their hair looks and I really don't understand their fixation with it. For example:

  1. Why they talk about going to the hairdresser (who cares?)
  2. Why they enjoy having their hair cut (bright lights, horrible chemical smells and a hairdresser who talks incessant b*****ks)
  3. Why they walk up to you periodically with a big grin and say, "So, what do you think? Do you like it?" (as if I'm expected to notice that something has changed. Hint: I never do)
  4. Why they constantly brush, fluff-up or re-style their hair throughout the day (I ran a cursory brush through it when I got up, and I go to work to, y'know, work, not play with my hair all day)
  5. Why hairdressers are always trying to convince you to 'try something new' (err, it's taken me a decade to find something that both looks and feels acceptable, why would I change that?)
  6. Why they cost so much (especially with the amount of torment we have to put up with, per point 2, frankly we should be paid to be sat there)

Do you understand it? Funny stories and explanations both welcome and encouraged.

  • I always find it wierd how so much effort goes into making your hair look nice I've recently cut my hair short as a lady its so freeing used to spend most of my life combing trying to tame it now so free. good to get to my scalp too feels good. spent so much money over the years going to hair dressers doing highlights a lot of the time if you start dying your own hair i;ve had hairdressers look at me wierd when i go in only wanting a cut and not a dye its like well i'm entitiled to do what i want to my hair without paying through the nose for it. I wish there was an easier way of cutting your own hair at home - i tried a few times and last time ended up cutting my ear and getting bald patches so leaving it to grow then will see if can get a cheap barber in to visit at home or something like that. the best hairdressers ive had is when you go in with a clear idea of what you want and they listen to it. growing up i would often say i didnt like having frizzy hair and the hairdresser would still style it curly and frizzy at the end. so many will just do whatever to get money out of you don't tale it know what you want go to them with that and if they can't deliver go somewhere else its ike any service know what you want and bargain for it

    I had a hairdresser recently ask me could we do a slightly different time, I said no and suggested another time, they didn't get back to me so i suggested we meet a few weeks later for my hair to grow out a bit because i reasonably presumed we couldn't meet. next day he started sending me emails saying as a professional he charged cancellation fees and would waive it this time! I was like well maybe better communicate what you mean when arranging appointments! He did say sorry can we please keep in touch and I thought no you tried to charge me unreasonably for a service that I reasonably thought wasnt happening bugger off. found a cheaper barber that comes to homes will try them when ready. its so cold at the moment too so glad it is growing back slowly but surely.

  • I also go to a barber, no extras just a good cut.

    And it has to be one with a booking app, I can't be doing with calling to make an appointment. I will go years without a cut if it involves phoning them! 

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