What’s everyone doing this weekend?

I am in a caravan (week on holiday) currently watching match of the day (not my choice) with my 2 year old who won’t go to sleep! Earlier I went to Wroxham barns with my 5 year old and bought souvenirs in the gift shops, went in the animal farm part and had afternoon tea with my 5 year old. I just wondered what everyone else is doing this weekend? 

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  • Good morning Queen, and welcome back to this place.

    I have been around here since last summer and haven't seen Kitsune pop up so I didn't think she is active.  However, quote a few people who come back after a long break seem to find it necessary to make a new profile/name for reasons I don't fully understand.  You obviously have had no problem popping back....and you it's good to have you here again.

    I hope your restful time also proves to be restorative.

    I hope you stick around for a bit to join in again.

    Kind regards
