Inappropriate Social Greetings!

Does anyone else struggle sometimes to do ‘appropriate’ greetings? You know, as the social skills textbook instructs, especially when hugely distracted by something else? Usually I can manage it, but this morning I may have managed to diversify!

I happened to need to pop to the Scout shop this morning to buy some badges for my Beavers. After I got out of my car I realised that there was what looked like a dead hedgehog by the side of the car park. So I had to stop for a few minutes to investigate whether a) it was actually a hedgehog, and b) it was actually dead. So after establishing those facts, I walked into the shop and rather than doing the textbook greeting, I just said “there’s a dead hedgehog in the car park!” Luckily they were fine with it, they even asked what group scarf it was wearing Rofl BUT this really isn’t the appropriate way for me to greet people who I haven’t seen for a few months!!

  • Reminds me of something which isn't exactly the same but has similarities in that I cringed afterwards and have remembered it so far for about 30 years.

    All that time ago, I was out shopping and aware that I "needed" to get my dad a present for fathers' day. I was looking at something (can't remember what) on a high shelf that I couldn't reach, and the shop assistant asked if I'd like her to get it down for me to have a look. I panicked at the thought of all the social interaction around me examining it, trying to decide under her gaze whether to buy it or not and then having to say (probably) 'no I don't want it please put it back & sorry to bother you etc.' so I blurted out "No thanks its just a fathers' day thing" as I was bolting out of the shop! 

  • Oh no! That seems as though it was really embarrassing, as well as frustrating as you still hadn’t got your father a present! Did you find him one somewhere else?

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