What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

More light hearted fun Slight smile 

What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

I’ll start, though mine was slightly more night terror than dream! One night last year I was dreaming that I was looking around my grandparents old house, except that there was an extra bit of house at the back, behind where the stairs were, so I went to explore it when suddenly a ghost jumped out and grabbed me by the wrists! I could physically feel something holding my wrists too, I remember physically shaking myself to wake up! Had to sleep with the door ajar for a few weeks afterwards too!


  • I’ll start, though mine was slightly more night terror than dream! One night last year I was dreaming that I was looking around my grandparents old house, except that there was an extra bit of house at the back, behind where the stairs were, so I went to explore it when suddenly a ghost jumped out and grabbed me by the wrists! I could physically feel something holding my wrists too, I remember physically shaking myself to wake up! Had to sleep with the door ajar for a few weeks afterwards too!

    I had a terror / horror themed one myself that was experientially real about ten or so years ago.


    I was seriously legging it with an eight year old male child running ahead of me from a mansion house during a full moonlit night, with me serving as an obstruction to protect the child from a humanoid werewolf that was chasing us, but the werewolf with a single swipe of one set of its claws separated my head, neck, left shoulder and arm from the rest of my body!


    It was really weird seeing my body separate into two bits from the centre of my chest!


    This kept on happening over and over and over again from the same point not too unlike a computer game restarting from the last save point, where each attempt involved me having to make strategic improvements to stop the werewolf getting the child ~ in order that he could get beyond the perimeter of the mansion grounds and make it to safety.


    I got slashed apart nearly thirty times before I was able to work out at what point and in what way to yell at the child to make him run faster so that I could also work out at what point to leap forward, dig both my heels into the ground and in such a way as to spring back forcefully enough to effectively body brunt the werewolf and knock it asunder.


    Successfully after bringing the werewolf down, and after it having painfully torn me to bits again, the dream continued not from the middle of the garden lawn, but this time as escaping from the mansion house itself by way of a side window door, and it was just a case thereafter of further obstructing the werewolf, as it became apparent it was only chasing after me, so I did not need to be concerned about the child ~ but more with hindering and avoiding the beast itself.


    At the point of realising this I got a sense that the child had made it out of the mansion grounds, and was safe with armed special forces types in full on body army with suitable weaponry who were surrounding the property, meaning that the mansion’s perimeter boundary was this dream’s “Ring Pass Not!” for the werewolf, at very least and me too as it turned out.


    As I worked my way further into the mansion house death by death, which was in rather an extensive state of disrepair and seriously thick with dust, there were zombies lumbering round and about inside that were easy to deal with individually using martial arts, yet getting surrounded by them involved dream restarts again after they had bitten off enough chunks of me. So those events were not fun, and I did wonder during one of these many maulings who in my genetic history had been eaten for this sort of thing to be an experiential part of ‘my’ dream.


    The zombies only though noticed me if they saw me move or I made noises such as making floor boards and doors creak or by knocked things over, and I found in addition that I could use the zombies as obstacles to burl in the way of the werewolf when they lifted a foot to step forward, and I also discovered that the more I avoided the zombies the less the werewolf was able to find me.


    I spent a very great deal of time hiding in rooms observing the zombies walking about though holes in the wall, long enough to realise it was night time all the time in this dream. I also pondered if I was reliving seizures through the deaths I was experiencing, or perhaps that I had in fact died and this was my purgatory for however long. I went through stages of dealing with everything being a problem solving exercise, to having completely and utterly a resigned sense of hopelessness. I even tried just throwing myself at and offering myself to the zombies and the werewolf over and over again in order to end the dream, only none of that worked either.


    Whilst creeping about though the halls and hiding in the large mansion house rooms I became increasingly aware that I needed to urinate ~ with the associated dilemma of potentially wetting the bed if I did! I had died at least a hundred plus times without waking up and the urge to go to toilet had gotten irresistible, so when I happened across a room with a toilet in it, despite it obviously having not worked in however many decades in terms of having no water and plenty of dust and few bits of ceiling plaster in it, I decided ‘what the hay!’ ~ the place was a complete dump, but one must maintain one’s standards and all that, so I went about the required business in the toilet seriously hoping I would not in so doing wet the bed!


    The moment though I was urinating at full flow was the moment when the werewolf smashed in through the door, and I just started laughing in one of those swashbuckling bravado kind of ways at having been caught in such a predicament ~ and that was when I woke up and found much to my relief that I had not really needed the toilet, and that I had finally at long long long long last gotten out of that seemingly until then relentless dream of dreams or nightmare of nightmares!


    I took the child running ahead of me to represent the projection of my childhood fears into my adult life, as involving the hope of protection from the periodic hounding and constant hassling of others to become and be like them, and at the same time needing to learn that being anxious and fearful about that just attracts them, whilst being calm about it allows better coping methods with them ~ and laughing about it in private was more effective than getting “urinated” off with it all, sort of thing. And I took the derelict mansion house to represent the institution of society whilst operating under the survival of the fittest delusion ~ that exaggerates examples in nature, rather than following natural selection as an all inclusive developmental process that is in it’s myriad ways more healthily exemplified in nature as a whole.


  • I’ll start, though mine was slightly more night terror than dream! One night last year I was dreaming that I was looking around my grandparents old house, except that there was an extra bit of house at the back, behind where the stairs were, so I went to explore it when suddenly a ghost jumped out and grabbed me by the wrists! I could physically feel something holding my wrists too, I remember physically shaking myself to wake up! Had to sleep with the door ajar for a few weeks afterwards too!

    I had a terror / horror themed one myself that was experientially real about ten or so years ago.


    I was seriously legging it with an eight year old male child running ahead of me from a mansion house during a full moonlit night, with me serving as an obstruction to protect the child from a humanoid werewolf that was chasing us, but the werewolf with a single swipe of one set of its claws separated my head, neck, left shoulder and arm from the rest of my body!


    It was really weird seeing my body separate into two bits from the centre of my chest!


    This kept on happening over and over and over again from the same point not too unlike a computer game restarting from the last save point, where each attempt involved me having to make strategic improvements to stop the werewolf getting the child ~ in order that he could get beyond the perimeter of the mansion grounds and make it to safety.


    I got slashed apart nearly thirty times before I was able to work out at what point and in what way to yell at the child to make him run faster so that I could also work out at what point to leap forward, dig both my heels into the ground and in such a way as to spring back forcefully enough to effectively body brunt the werewolf and knock it asunder.


    Successfully after bringing the werewolf down, and after it having painfully torn me to bits again, the dream continued not from the middle of the garden lawn, but this time as escaping from the mansion house itself by way of a side window door, and it was just a case thereafter of further obstructing the werewolf, as it became apparent it was only chasing after me, so I did not need to be concerned about the child ~ but more with hindering and avoiding the beast itself.


    At the point of realising this I got a sense that the child had made it out of the mansion grounds, and was safe with armed special forces types in full on body army with suitable weaponry who were surrounding the property, meaning that the mansion’s perimeter boundary was this dream’s “Ring Pass Not!” for the werewolf, at very least and me too as it turned out.


    As I worked my way further into the mansion house death by death, which was in rather an extensive state of disrepair and seriously thick with dust, there were zombies lumbering round and about inside that were easy to deal with individually using martial arts, yet getting surrounded by them involved dream restarts again after they had bitten off enough chunks of me. So those events were not fun, and I did wonder during one of these many maulings who in my genetic history had been eaten for this sort of thing to be an experiential part of ‘my’ dream.


    The zombies only though noticed me if they saw me move or I made noises such as making floor boards and doors creak or by knocked things over, and I found in addition that I could use the zombies as obstacles to burl in the way of the werewolf when they lifted a foot to step forward, and I also discovered that the more I avoided the zombies the less the werewolf was able to find me.


    I spent a very great deal of time hiding in rooms observing the zombies walking about though holes in the wall, long enough to realise it was night time all the time in this dream. I also pondered if I was reliving seizures through the deaths I was experiencing, or perhaps that I had in fact died and this was my purgatory for however long. I went through stages of dealing with everything being a problem solving exercise, to having completely and utterly a resigned sense of hopelessness. I even tried just throwing myself at and offering myself to the zombies and the werewolf over and over again in order to end the dream, only none of that worked either.


    Whilst creeping about though the halls and hiding in the large mansion house rooms I became increasingly aware that I needed to urinate ~ with the associated dilemma of potentially wetting the bed if I did! I had died at least a hundred plus times without waking up and the urge to go to toilet had gotten irresistible, so when I happened across a room with a toilet in it, despite it obviously having not worked in however many decades in terms of having no water and plenty of dust and few bits of ceiling plaster in it, I decided ‘what the hay!’ ~ the place was a complete dump, but one must maintain one’s standards and all that, so I went about the required business in the toilet seriously hoping I would not in so doing wet the bed!


    The moment though I was urinating at full flow was the moment when the werewolf smashed in through the door, and I just started laughing in one of those swashbuckling bravado kind of ways at having been caught in such a predicament ~ and that was when I woke up and found much to my relief that I had not really needed the toilet, and that I had finally at long long long long last gotten out of that seemingly until then relentless dream of dreams or nightmare of nightmares!


    I took the child running ahead of me to represent the projection of my childhood fears into my adult life, as involving the hope of protection from the periodic hounding and constant hassling of others to become and be like them, and at the same time needing to learn that being anxious and fearful about that just attracts them, whilst being calm about it allows better coping methods with them ~ and laughing about it in private was more effective than getting “urinated” off with it all, sort of thing. And I took the derelict mansion house to represent the institution of society whilst operating under the survival of the fittest delusion ~ that exaggerates examples in nature, rather than following natural selection as an all inclusive developmental process that is in it’s myriad ways more healthily exemplified in nature as a whole.

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