What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

More light hearted fun Slight smile 

What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

I’ll start, though mine was slightly more night terror than dream! One night last year I was dreaming that I was looking around my grandparents old house, except that there was an extra bit of house at the back, behind where the stairs were, so I went to explore it when suddenly a ghost jumped out and grabbed me by the wrists! I could physically feel something holding my wrists too, I remember physically shaking myself to wake up! Had to sleep with the door ajar for a few weeks afterwards too!

  • I forget most of my dreams but I do remember vividly a dream I had about 6 years ago I was renovating an old building I was living in at the time and that particular night I was clearing out the attic which was huge with no lighting just a lamp on an extension cable and being late I decided to just sleep on the old sofa left up there I fell asleep only to be woken up by the sofa that I was on sliding across the floor i was then drawn to a feeling of something in the dark corner of the far end to the attic I panicked and woke up only to find that, that something in the far corner had come closer and the sofa moved again so I panicked even more and woke up, I realised I had still been dreaming the lamp was still on and I started to feel calm then the light bolb blows and I'm in the dark, then and only then I manage to wake up for real. 

  • Oh my goodness! All of those false waking ups must have made that dream really scared!!!

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