What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

More light hearted fun Slight smile 

What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

I’ll start, though mine was slightly more night terror than dream! One night last year I was dreaming that I was looking around my grandparents old house, except that there was an extra bit of house at the back, behind where the stairs were, so I went to explore it when suddenly a ghost jumped out and grabbed me by the wrists! I could physically feel something holding my wrists too, I remember physically shaking myself to wake up! Had to sleep with the door ajar for a few weeks afterwards too!

  • I had to come back to this thread with the dream I had last night!

    I was helping some kind of charity by picking up and disposing of discarded hypodermic needles & syringes that were littering the gutters and drain covers on a road. But I was wearing sandles on my feet, so, predictably, I got jabbed in the big toe. After some discussion it was decided that, yes, I should get some emergency treatment, so off I went (I had to be quick as they were closing in 10 minutes!).

    I eventually saw a GP around a dinner table. I had clumsily knocked over a bowl of large M&Ms, apologised and was picking them up & got told off a bit for wasting time. So the GP had a look at my toe which had only a small stab mark or two, and did some kind of operation. Suddenly, there were snakes of all sizes everywhere, and he pulled two snake/grub things about 2 inches long from inside my toe!

    We all agreed it was a good job that I had gone for the emergency appointment, and the dream ended.

  • I had to come back to this thread with the dream I had last night!

    I was helping some kind of charity by picking up and disposing of discarded hypodermic needles & syringes that were littering the gutters and drain covers on a road. But I was wearing sandles on my feet, so, predictably, I got jabbed in the big toe. After some discussion it was decided that, yes, I should get some emergency treatment, so off I went (I had to be quick as they were closing in 10 minutes!).

    I eventually saw a GP around a dinner table. I had clumsily knocked over a bowl of large M&Ms, apologised and was picking them up & got told off a bit for wasting time. So the GP had a look at my toe which had only a small stab mark or two, and did some kind of operation. Suddenly, there were snakes of all sizes everywhere, and he pulled two snake/grub things about 2 inches long from inside my toe!

    We all agreed it was a good job that I had gone for the emergency appointment, and the dream ended.

  • Wow! Your dream certainly went off piste somewhere along the lines! I love the way that our unconscious slots 'really' random situations into our dreams! Just imagine a needle stick injury causing snakes to appear out of the wound!

    On a serious note I do remember having a needle stick injury at work several years ago, it was from an unknown source so I had to go on the PEP treatment for a month afterwards, that is seriously nasty medication to take! I was given anti sickness meds to take concurrently and I really needed them! Luckily all my bloods came back clear after 3 and 6 months though so no long term harm done!!!

  • Snakes....why'd it have to be snakes????

    As it's been bumped - mine was fairly typical today - my wife and I had been invited to some corporate dinner event - we arrived early (naturally) and found the company was in financial trouble and nothing had been arranged - but something was being organised - could we wait.    We sat in reception as others arrived and figured out there weren't enough seats - so we made a bee-line and got ourselves comfortable on these large, square chairs.    The venue was moved to a massive farm house and, after lots of interaction, everyone was starting to take gentle recreational drugs.     I remember things getting a bid odd from there on - but I was very interested in the architecture of the building - old-fashioned but with ultra-modern touches on multiple levels.

    We decided to leave - the way back to the road passed lots of outbuildings which had lots of interesting vintage stuff in them.   By the time I was at the road, I was with my daughter instead - she was carrying her falcon.    Just up the road was a touristy-type village and one of the shops had a couple of large owls sitting outside on a big tree stump.    A group of people came out of the trinket shop  - they were going to do a ceremony for a couple of little trolls - they were being given their own Fairy Door on the stump to their new home - everyone was pleased - until the owls bent down and grabbed the trolls pulling their insides out through their mouths - at which point the trolls turned bright green and melted into a puddle.

    I woke up slightly confused.